Chapter Twelve: The Alaskan Heist

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Lying somewhere deep in the lush forests of Alaska, sat an all white building that blended in with the Alaskan blizzard currently raging. Nothing particularly interesting stood about said building, it was an ordinary looking building made out of white concrete with ordinary looking doors and small window slits not large enough for man nor woman to squeeze through. A boundary fence surrounded the property and upon close examination one could see the sparks occasionally jump from the bristling barb wire. The building was accompanied by a paved parking lot and small helipad used to ship in cargo. To the naked eye it look like an ordinary quiet building out in the middle of nowhere, albeit a bit strange, but nonetheless ordinary. While the building itself was nothing out of the ordinary, what it housed inside was far from ordinary however....

Reaching up, my fingers gripped the siding of the roof as I slowly pulled myself up the wall. All the while the below zero temperatures were nipping away at my face and frost was quite literally forming on my glasses. Even as I rested my elbow on the roof, I struggled to pull the rest of my body up, and it was then when I saw a gloved hand appear in front of my face as I looked forward. I looked up to see a smiling face of a young man looking down at me.

"Looks like you could use a hand brother." The man who was my brother said whilst somehow smiling in below freezing temperatures. I looked back down at his hand and reached out with my right hand grasping my brother's hand. A grunt escaped from my mouth as my brother pulled me up to my feet on top of the roof.

"Thank you Alex." I said as I pushed my glasses back up onto my nose before proceeding to dust the snow off of my jacket.

"No problem. Now let's get inside before my feet freeze to the ground." Alex aid as he rubbed his shoulders.

"I agree, but let's proceed with caution." I said nodding my head. "Breaching the perimeter was the easy part" I said as I walked past my brother and approached the skylights that looked down into the room below.

"You're always so serious Oliver." Alex said as I heard his footsteps approach from behind. "The client gave us the plans to this place so everything should go smooth so long as we stick to the plan." Alex said and paused for a moment. "However I suppose it pays to be cautious." Alex added as he knelt down next to me and peered through the skylight.

"What's being kept here is enough for security to shoot first and ask questions later. So of course it pays to be cautious." I said somewhat scolding my brother.

"Yeah, Yeah. You don't need to harp on me; I went over the plan at least a dozen times. I know what we're doing." Alex replied. "Everything's gonna be fine, your plans always go off without a hitch remember?" Alex said as he patted me on back before standing up and going around to the other side of the skylight.


I descended down the rope until my feet eventually touched down on the solid ground below; as soon as my feet touched the ground I looked around the room as my eyes slowly adjusted to the dark. Upon determining the coast was clear I gave the rope a tug, and a few moments passed by before my brother's silhouette descended down the rope and landed right next to me.

"See, I told you I could bypass the lock without setting off any alarms." Alex said with a grin on his face.

"I never doubted you couldn't in the first place." I replied.

"Uh huh." Alex replied. I looked up at the open skylight and firmly grasped the rope, giving it another strong tug where as the grapple came loose where it fell back down into my hand. Catching the grapple in my hand I secured the rope and grapple onto my waist for further use. All that was left now was to cover our tracks; I pulled on the secondary rope until I heard a click letting me know the skylight had locked back into place. With one final tug the loose rope came undone and fell to the ground at my feet where I picked it up and threw it into one of the dark corners of the room out of sight as it was no longer needed. I returned my attention back to my brother who was scanning the room cautiously.

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