6.Down the hill

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So we will be meeting someone here.
This chapter is dedicated to @bitchitsbhavana
Sorry babe but it's not happening...😅

FLASH!!! The light of a camera going on somewhere pulled them apart. The optimist groaned while the pessimist laughed. 

"Fuck!" Henry swore. He saw a hoard of paparazzis outside the restaurant. One of them actually made it inside the restaurant.

"Shit!" She swore. Henry threw some money into their table before taking her to their car. He was shielding her from the cameras. The people were shouting questions asking about who she was, how they met and why she was in hospital. Someone managed to catch hold of her hand pulling. She tripped on her hurt leg.

Ma! She cried out as her ankle twisted. Henry caught her. He glared at the person who caught hold of her. The restaurant staff had come up to them, pushing the reporters away from them. He helped her to the car. 

Her eyes were filled with tears. She was biting her lips in pain.

"I am so sorry flower, I didn't expect them to track us down."

He heard someone knock on their car's window. He saw Amy. He lowered the glass.

"I have some band aid, crepe type. I am sorry it was the manager who tipped them off. He thought it would give publicity to the restaurant."

Henry was angry. The sole reason why he chose the restaurant was it was far away from all the buzz and they could be themselves.

"Thanks Amy." Henry drove Aira to the hospital. He called Farah and informed her of the situation. The Hospital security was at the parking lot by the time they reached. 

Aira felt like killing the person who pulled her. Her ligament was torn into two. Woah! She can't dance anymore. She was glaring at the MRI in front of her. Henry was talking over the phone. He was really angry. He called his lawyer to find out if he could do anything for the person who injured Aira. He called the owner of the restaurant and was arguing with him.

"You had no right. I was having a good time with my friend and you just ruined it. I can sue you for invasion of privacy. See if I wanted attention I would have taken her to some high end place in the center of the city not to the outskirts. Your restaurant seemed cosy and homely. You just ruined it for yourself."

Henry hung up without waiting for a response.

He came into the room to find her Farah in a deep discussion with the Orthopedic Surgeon.

"Dr.Nair we need to do a surgery but you need full rest. No more dancing at least for a year."

"A YEAR!!!" She exclaimed.

"I am sorry, but then again you need to give rest to your leg. The new sprain worsened the old injury."

Aira was pouting like a kid. Farah laughed at her expression only to be hit face on with a pillow. 

Henry chuckled before going to her. 

"Sweetheart you are being stubborn." She looked down feeling ashamed. She started breaking her knuckles. Henry took her hands into his. 

"Hey, I was joking. You know you look cute, when you pout." He said, she narrowed her eyes. He winked.

Farah was humming a Malayalam song.

Aira was glaring knives at her. Henry understood it was some sort of song teasing them.

Aayiram kanumayi…

"Farah shut the fuck up!" Aira scolded.

Farah scooted off. 

Henry sat on her bed, "so you have to get a surgery done."

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