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Fluff Alert .  Its a really short chapter. I thought dragging would destroy the charm it held.

So today is the eighth day of quarentine. I am hoping everyone is safe and sound.

'This is the part where I am dying of embarrassment." Aira thought. Henry looked at her alarmed. "Shit!" He cursed.

"Uncle Henry, you promised to play a game with me." His nephew told him. Just then the teenager saw them both on the couch.

"Nana there is a girl with Uncle Henry." He sang. If only heaven called her. She was caught making out by a fourteen year old boy.

"Girl?" She heard another voice to see a Seventeen year old, who had Cora in his arms. The toddler's eyes lit up as she saw Aira.

"Aia." Aira forgot about everything and reached out for the toddler only to trip over Henry's leg. She fell flat on her face. She glared at Henry who was laughing out loud. She got up and sat on the floor only to be bombarded by a fur ball falling back to the floor. AAAhhh!!!! She screamed.

"Kal!" Henry shouted as he calmed down his dog. Aira was seeing stars at this point. Someone helped her up. She saw Kal looking guilty as Henry reprimanded him for jumping onto her unannounced.

"Henry, leave him alone. He didn't know." She said, the Akita's ears perked. He came to her.

"Hi, boy." She greeted him, she ran her fingers through his fur. It was so soft. Kal nuzzled against her neck, he climbed onto her lap. She saw Cora glaring daggers at Kal. She climbed down her cousin and toddled towards her. She pushed Kal away before climbing onto her lap. Kal let out a playful growl. "Kal..." She warned him. Cora stuck her tongue out at Kal. Aira smiled.

Henry's chest was brimming. His daughter, his dog and his girl, together like a family.

"Looks like you found your home. Henners." He heard Niki next to him. Henry smiled at him.

"I know the look Henry, that's how dad looks at mom whenever she is around."

"Okay kiddos. I will go to the couch then, you little miss can sit on my lap while Kal can also rest his head lap." Aira said as she tried to calm down both of them. She was surprised how easily Kal accepted her.

"Aia, my." The toddler was all grumpy. She pouted. Aira was looking at Henry for help. She saw a light smile play on his lips. She felt something in her chest. It was a dull ache, but at the sametime it wasn't bad. She didn't know what it was. Was it an ache? She realised no man ever looked at her the way Henry looked at her. She didn't realise she was tearing up until Cora placed her chubby hands on her face and wiped off her tears. Kal was looking at her concerned.

"Aia no." She said, wiping her tears.

"Aira, sweetie." Marie went to her. "You, okay." "Yeah." She smiled, and got up from the floor. She balanced Cora on her hips. "I am just happy." She said, she blew a raspberry on Cora's cheek. The girl giggled. Aira carried her to the kitchen as Kal followed them. Henry prayed no one jinxed their peaceful bubble.

Aira proceeded to make the cutlets. Cora wanted to help her.Aira knew that would only increase her job. Still she transferred a bit of the mix of crumbs and rice flour to a bowl and placed it in front of Cora in her high chair. "Here you go, bug." She said, Henry was standing at the kitchen door as he watched her cook. She was talking to Cora. Kal was looking at her. 

"Your dad needs to be very creative, Buggy. Because you young lady isn't eating anything." She had separated a part of the squashed potato as she spoke. She was feeding an unsuspecting Cora at the same time she was making sure the cutlets that were baking weren't left unattended.

Kal who was next to Cora's high chair looked at Aira. "Aren't you the most handsome man I have ever met?" Kal woofed. "Don't tell Henry." She whispered conspiratorially.

"Too bad he heard it." Henry said chuckling. Aira jumped at his voice. He raised his hand in his defense. She smiled before turning to cook. She was shaping the vegetable mix she made to resemble like ham. She then dipped into the paste she made from breadcrumbs and rice flour. He came to her, he wrapped his arm around her waist.

"Dada, Aia my." Cora said angrily. "I know Bug, but we can share." He winked at Aira. She slapped his hand away from her.

"Go see what your nephews are doing." Henry placed a light kiss on her cheeks. "Uncle Henry". They heard his Nephew Noel call out. "Coming buddy." Henry called out. He kissed her cheeks. "Go!" She pushed him away. Henry looked back once more. She was applying oil to the cutlets to bake them. She was humming as she danced around the kitchen. He stood at the door and watched.

"Uncle," Noah his nephew tapped his shoulder.

"Yes kiddo."

"You promised to play warcraft with us." The fourteen year old spoke.

"Coming kiddo."

Aira jumped as she heard a loud roar from the living room. Cora who was busy playing with the flour was startled and started to cry.

"Shhhhh...." She took the flour covered toddler from the high chair she rocked the child. Marie shook her head and yelled. Henry heard Cora cry.


"Sorry, Ma." Niki shouted. 

"Ma, what happened? Is Bug okay?" Henry asked as he came in. Aira glared at him as she calmed down the toddler.

"If you could stop the roaring." She said.

"Sorry flower." He apologised. She just ignored him. She took Cora out of the kitchen. Henry followed her, "I think we need to clean her up." She said. "Her room is the one next to mine." He said.


"The room where you went."

Aira stood shocked. She didn't realise the bathroom she went into was attached to Henry's.

"Aia." Cora whimpered.

"It's okay sweetheart, I am here." She whispered. "Now let's get you cleaned miss." Aira, baby talked to Cora who giggled. Henry smiled. He thanked Shijith for placing the flour sack up in the rack that day. Henry helped her dress Cora.

The family sat in the living room. Cora clung to Aira refusing to let her go. Cora was playing with Aira's hair. She was pulling them and letting them go, She was giggling as Aira's hair went back like a spring.

Henry knew he was home at that moment.

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