32. Good to Be Home 2

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Aira woke up snuggled against Henry's chest. Light snores came out of his mouth. She smiled as she moved the stray curl off his face. Henry mumbled something under his breath before he wrapped his arms around her waist. Aira noticed it was six in the evening. "Henry, Babe we need to wake up,"

"Just five more minutes," He grunted and his face into the pillow. "Babe, we had been sleeping the whole day, I still have chores to do, and you need to pick Mum and Dad and Cora and Kal from Nik's place." She said as she freed herself from his grip and proceeded to slip into her tank top. "I will be in the kitchen," She said as she waltzed out of the room. He just groaned and rolled and sat up. He was still grumpy as he came out of the room. He saw Aira setting up the tea kettle. They heard a car pull into the driveway. They heard Cora's squeals and Kal's woof followed by the front door being slammed open.

"Dada..." Cora ran headfirst to Henry while Kal jumped on to Aira. "Oh Bear, easy boy, easy," Aira said as she was attacked by the giant furball. "I missed you too," She cooed at him. He was licking her all over the face. Kal finally stepped away. Marie and Collin were bickering over something they brought as part of Christmas shopping. While Nik and Lauren moved to the kitchen. Cora was babbling to her father about her adventure, she noticed Henry's eyes become saucer-shaped as she said Jake asked her to be his girlfriend. Aira giggled, Henry glared at her.

She noticed Nik looking at Henry with a raised eyebrow. She turned to see Lauren wiggling her eyebrows at her. Aira was now clearly confused. Lauren shook her head before dragging her out of the room to the storage closet.

"What happened?"

"Oh God, You have very nice hickey on your neck and I really want to see you explain that to Cora. She would ask how her Mumma got the ouchie,"

Aira blushed deep. "My hoodie is there in the kitchen chair,"

"I will get it," Lauren said, she came back in a few seconds. Aira slipped into it. She started making tea as Lauren helped Marie with the biscuits they had brought. Henry waltzed into the kitchen; he stole a biscuit from the plate before placing a light peck on Marie's cheek. He then came behind Aira. This time she was ready for him. She turned before he could scare her. She giggled as he looked at her defeated. He pulled her flush against his chest.

Marie cleared her throat; Aira pushed Henry away before shooing him away. Lauren laughed as Henry pouted and stomped out. "Manchild," Aira shook her head, she looked at his retreating figure with what Farah once called heart eyes. Lauren smiled at her, Marie looked at both her daughters-in-law. Though Aira wouldn't accept the title Marie was certain about her son popping the question one day.'

Aira had a thousand thoughts going through her head. She hadn't had sex in six years. Every time both Henry and she got intimate she chickened out at the end or she had panic attacks. She gave an audible sigh.

"All fine," Lauren asked her sceptically. Aira nodded.

"So kids I want all of you home for Christmas," Marie announced as she got up.

"Marie, I don't think I can afford another week-long off," Aira said dejectedly.

"Hop on a plane on Christmas eve morning comeback on 26th " Nik said, "I have done that a number of times."

"I need to be on hospital even during those days," Aira said, She saw Henry's face drop. She didn't know what to do. She had taken more off days than ever. She sighed; Cora was sitting on her lap playing with her hair. She was letting out small yawn her eyes drooped. Aira started rocking her slowly and steadily. She could feel Henry's eyes on her.

"We better get going," Nik said as he got up Lauren followed him. Henry's parents followed them announcing they would leave the family for its alone time.

Jasmine.Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon