29. Final Nail on the coffin

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 Don't be scared no one dies!!!

"Are you sure?" Henry asked for the nth time. She sighed before turning to him. They were at the parking of the Airport. She had Cora on her hips. "Henry, I will be okay,"

"I don't know,"

"Come here," She beckoned him closer. She kissed him. "I am going to be alright. I know I have my man right here, I have found my home. No one can take that away. And for Akash he is past." Henry hugged both of his girls.

"I am proud of you," He said, she smiled at him.

Both Aira and Cora were sitting in the lounge. Cora was busy watching Peppa Pig in Aira's tab while Aira was simply staring into the runway.

"You are her Nanny?" She was startled and looked at the person. She saw a redhead woman looking at her and Cora.

"No, I am her mother," Aira wrapped her arm around Cora. Cora looked at her and the woman curiously. "Mama?" The redhead woman looked at them in surprise.

"Yes, sweetheart," Aira assured Cora.

"Why no Dada?" Cora proceeded with her question

"Dada has work, he will come back home soon," Aira explained.

"Ka?" Now Cora was looking lost, she terribly missed her furry brother.

"Kal is going to with Dada so that he doesn't feel lonely"

"Giwl nighty," Cora was looking excited at the perspective.

"Yes, Girls Night." Aira chuckled.

"I don't get it. She is nothing like you," The woman said with disdain. "Because I didn't give birth to her,"

"So you slept with your boss,"

"Excuse me,"

"You were his Nanny and now you are his girlfriend,"

"Oh, thank you so much for enlightening me on my own story," Aira said sarcastically, the woman scowled.

"Her dad was never my boss and I was never her Nanny, I am a doctor, a paediatrician to be specific. And yeah stop poking your nose to places it doesn't belong one day it might get cut off," She whispered angrily at the woman. The woman went away fuming. Aira smirked.

"Mama, Hungwy." Cora said climbing into Aira's lap. "What do you want Bug?"


"What's the magic word?" Cora pretended to think for a moment, "Stwabewy, pwease,"

"Of course princess," Aira tapped her nose, Cora giggled. Aira gave her the box of strawberries.

Five minutes later she had a very messy toddler on her lap. She chuckled before taking out the napkins and helped Cora to clean her hands.


"Yes, Baby,"

"I lub wu," Aira kissed her forehead.

"Sweetie, once we board the plane please don't runoff. There will be strangers, no talking to strangers."

"Yeth mama," Cora started to suck thumb again. "And this is a bad habit young lady," She removed Cora's thumb from her mouth. Cora looked at her sheepishly. Aira chuckled.

Breaking her promise Cora broke into a full run once inside the plane. Aira sighed, she ran behind her and scooped her up. Cora was screaming pleading to be put down on the floor.

"No, you are not going down right now," Aira said firmly as she placed Cora on her seat.

"Sweetheart you should listen to your Nanny," Aira glared at the source to find the redhead again. "No, Mama," Cora corrected the woman; Aira was literally losing her shit right now. She gave the woman one of her fake smiles. "Thank you so much, Ms Red Head." She said, "Bug, I want you to be a good girl," Aira said as she sat down next to Cora.

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