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"Farah! You can't tell that to the kid. She doesn't know." Aira placed Cora down on the floor. She toddled towards her playpen.

"Bug, careful." Aira said, turning towards her. Cora giggled. Aira playfully narrowed her eyes at the toddler. Cora smiled at her innocently.

"I think she knows you are her mother."

"Farah, I understand she is my boyfriend's daughter and she likes me. But saying something like that. We got back together only three days' back. "

"And this kiddo here would be devastated if this doesn't work out."

"That's what, I don't want her to call Mama at least when she is conscious."

"What do you mean by that?"

"She was sleeping on our way back, she whimpered out 'mama' .''

"And she calmed down when you responded."


"You better not sink this ship, she already has seen you as her mommy."

"Okay come here, Bug we need to eat."

Cora pouted at her. "No, not going to work. You need to eat. Then we can watch TV." She told the toddler, scooping her up and settled her on her hips.

"Girls please look here." Farah said, Aira turned to see Farah up with her phone.

"Say cheese."

"Eese." Cora said smiling to the camera. Aira smiled at Cora.

"Aww... this is cute. I think your man would love to see this." Farah said, she proceeded to show the picture. Aira looked at the picture. She was smiling at Cora as the toddler said the word. It felt too natural, too good to be real. She prayed no one jinxed it. If things don't work out between her and Henry she knew she would be broken.

"Okay Bug, now we need to eat."

"Aia, pwease." Cora gave her the best impression of puppy eyes.

'Don't fall for it.' She chided herself.

"No, Bug. After this we will watch some Sesame Street." Aira mentally patted her shoulders.

"No, Pepa Pig." Cora bargained.

"Yep." Cora clapped her chubby hands together. Aira got her settled on her high chair. She brought the mix to Cora. Cora scrunched her nose and pretended to gag. Aira looked at her surprised. "Sorry kiddo but I am not going to fall for that." Aira said, ruffling her hair. Cora giggled. She looked quizzically at the mix in front of her. She dipped her finger into the mix and tasted it.

Aira was shocked as Cora happily ate her mix. She took a sip of it. She saw Farah looking at her like a deer caught in headlights. Aira narrowed her eyes at her friend. "I told you not to do it."

"I thought she would love it."

"Farah I know she would love it. But my kid is an energy bubble once sugar is in the system and I can't keep up with her."

"Oh my god! Aira you need to hit the pause button now."


"Did you just say 'my kid'?"

"No, I didn't." Aira lied, she knew her expression gave away.

"You did!" Farah said excitedly.

Aira helped Cora to clean up. She placed Cora down on the bed in the Bedroom. She dug through her bag. She didn't notice Cora climb down the bed or toddle out. She turned to see the spot occupied by the girl empty.

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