35. Reunion?

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So with this chapter and next one, this part of the series will be over. I initially wanted it to be a single book, but I honestly didn't like the idea of more than forty chapters.

The picture on the top is something I wrote for this story.

Aira looked through all the tinsel and other ornaments. She turned to see Cora covered in tinsel, she gasped, "Oh god!" Cora giggled and ran away from Aira. Aira tried to catch her; Cora slipped away only to be caught by her father who threw her up in the air and caught her. Cora was squealing.

"What do I have here?" Henry cooed, "A mini Christmas Tree, huh?" he continued. Aira smiled at them.

She was looking through the souvenir shop to find something for Marie and Collin. "What does your Mum like?" She turned to Henry to find a few young girls snapping pictures with him. Cora was on her hips. She noticed one of the girls getting handsy with Henry. She stormed to Henry's side, "Hey, Babe could you please help me with your Parents gift?" She said in a sickly sweet voice while glaring at the girl.

Henry bit back a chuckle; she was cute when she was jealous. The girl gave her a stink eye before leaving. "Dada," Cora reached for him. Henry took Cora into his arm. She leaned up to her Father's ears "Mumma's Fif," Henry realised she wanted to buy a gift for Aira. "Of course sweetheart," he smiled at Cora. Aira narrowed her eyes at them. Henry winked at her.

"You are cute when jealous," He whispered into her ear, she shivered. "I like it," he winked at her cheekily. Aira rolled her eyes. "Whatever floats your boat Cavill, whatever."

"Darling, both you and I know you are jealous," He smirked at her. Aira blushed and looked away.

Henry hauled all their items into the trunk of their car. Aira had Cora balanced on her hip while she was answering a call. "No, Amma, seriously.... If he finds out that you didn't bring him here just for your friend's daughter's wedding that's it, the end of it. He is your husband you should know him better than me."

Henry looked at her concerned. Later she mouthed. He took Cora from her; she was continuing to talk to her Mum. "Amma... you can't survive the cold here, yeah it's cold. You will be homesick. No... I will try to come one day. But not right now. I love you, Ma."

"What happened?" Henry asked as he strapped Cora to her car seat. "My mother is planning a reunion between my Dad and me which I know would end up in a screaming match. She is bringing him here for her friend's daughter's wedding after which she wants to meet up."

"Isn't that good?" He asked as he turned to her.

"You think my father would take the news positively, he will go ballistic," Aira was so enraged at this point. "Your father is a controlling-" Henry bit back the word that came into his mouth. "I know, thanks for not completing the sentence though." She said, "I didn't even realize he was toxic till I came home. He is an enigma. One moment he is all tender and loving, then another moment he changes into this dark version. It's scary, he clearly has made my Amma his puppet, I want to help her but she just can't see it." She was so vexed at this point, she wanted to scream. She placed her hands on her face massaging her face. She felt Henry hugging her, "Let's meet up if your dad doesn't take it well we will just walk out,"

"Henry... it's easier said than done," She said deflated into Henry's chest. He held her, rubbing her back. She inhaled; she could feel her blood boil. "Okay I will meet him, but one word in the wrong direction I am walking out. I want Farah there though so that she can translate to you if the conversation is in Malayalam which probably will be." Henry kissed her forehead, they heard Cora giggle. They broke away looking at her. Henry's phone buzzed, "Kal's sitter needs to leave; we better get going,"

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