26. Halloween-1

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Henry heard squeals from the bedroom as he returned from the morning run. He saw Annette go into the room with a tray of muffins. He poked his head into the room to see Aira smiling onto her phone screen, while Cora was standing on her lap with her hands gripping Aira's hair. Henry was wondering what was going on. After bringing Aira's breakfast he had gone to the guestroom to freshen up and left for his morning run. He was kind of lagging in his workout which he had to catch up. He heard Akira's voice blare through the phone.

"Kunji, leave your mom's hair," He saw Aira's expression change she looked up to lock her eyes with him. She was squirming. "Akiraa..." She warned.

"Shut up, everyone in their right mind would realise you are her mother." Akira scolded her. "Your sister is right," Henry heard a different voice. He looked at her confused, "My Mother," She mouthed, and then smiled. Annette who was sitting on the bed, facing Aira turned to see him.

"Good Morning, Mr Cavill," Annette

"Good Morning, Ms Collins." Henry greeted her, he was looking at Aira, he was concerned. He relaxed once he saw there was no sign of distress in her face. She actually looked more relaxed, her eyes were twinkling. Cora was babbling into the screen. The women on the other side tried to intercept Cora's jargon.

"No Amma, She is asking you where you were." Aira translated Cora's babble. Cora smiled at Aira. "I was in a dark place kiddo," Her mom smiled at Cora. Henry walked towards them, "Hey Flower," He placed a light peck on Aira's lips, Aira laughed at her mother's flabbergasted expression. Henry chuckled. "Hi ma'am," he greeted her.

"Dada, Bug," Cora pouted as she didn't get her kiss. Aira giggled as Henry looked at Cora sheepishly. He scooped Cora up and blew a raspberry into her tummy. He threw Cora up and caught her. "Henry!" Aira gasped. He winked at her. Aira shook her head in disagreement.

"Malini!" She heard her dad. Her mom cut the call abruptly. "What happened?" Henry asked her, "Dad called her. I hope he didn't find out, I don't want her to fight with him." She said. He was shocked; Aira was speaking as if it was a daily occurrence. He sat next to her, "Are you sure he never hit her?" "No he didn't, but they had their fair share of fights, usually ended with one of them storming out of the house." He nodded.

"Once she threw a pan at him, she saw cooking something; Dad was in a playful mood. He started irritating her; the next thing I know was him running out of the kitchen for dear life and a saucepan following him." She chuckled at the memory. She was eleven she was trying to make Akira eat some of smashed banana's.

"What happens when it is a serious fight?" Henry asked as he dug through the closet for clothes so that he could leave for work. "Either she storms out of the house and goes to her elder sister's house or else he would lock himself in his office." She sighed, Henry felt bad. "I know it's confusing, they are the way they are." She told him. Henry came to her and hugged her.

"Dada huggy," Cora joined them. Henry smiled, "Okay, I need to go," Henry chuckled as both of his girls pouted. He kissed their foreheads.

"Hey Bug how about we watch some TV," She asked, Aira scooped Cora up. She bit down her back cramp. "Aia, me waky," Aira placed Cora down on the floor who toddled towards the door

"Why is there a y at every syllable?" Henry asked Aira confused, Aira shrugged her shoulder. Henry got ready for work. He saw both the girls engrossed in Tangled. Cora was sitting on Aira's lap. They were both munching on the muffins.

"Annie, do teach me how to bake these,"

"Yes, Miss."

"Annie call me Aira, I feel like some stuck up rich girl every time you call me Miss." Henry chuckled, he came to them. He was blocking their view. "Dada," Cora whined, Henry smiled at her. "Breakfast?" Aira asked him, "I will grab something on way," Aira narrowed her eyes. "Annie help me pack him a box,"

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