28. The Best Thing

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Kind of a short chapter. I didn't want to drag and drown the charm I felt while reading.

Aira woke up in a hospital bed; Cora was sleeping in the next bed. She sighed in relief. She saw Henry dozing off in a chair nearby, she got up carefully from her bed. She went to Cora. "I love you, Baby," She kissed her forehead. She looked at Henry's peaceful face. She found a small notepad and a pen in the room.

I love Cora a lot. I can't see her go through what she went through today. I am sorry, but I just can't hurt you and Bug. Trust me you will be better off without me.


Henry woke up to find Aira's bed empty. He noticed the note. He felt his heart shatter. She was holding herself responsible for what happened. He tried calling her. His call went into voice mail. He called Annette. "Mr Cavill,"

"Where are you, Annie?" He sounded so distraught, "Henry is everything alright." "She left,"

"I am on my way to the hospital, I am almost there."

Henry was asking the nurses and other people in the hospital for Aira. Annette rushed to him, "Go bring her back," She said, "I will be with Cora." Henry rushed out of the hospital. He was driving like a mad man to the Bus Station. He was searching for Aira frantically. He asked the person in the counter for her.

"No man, I didn't see anyone, you should check in one of the buses. She could have taken a pass online." Henry saw one of the buses start. He waved it to stop. (I seriously have no idea how bus transport works outside India or more specifically my state.)

"Mate!" The driver shouted at him as he stopped a bus and entered it.

"I am so sorry; I am looking for my girlfriend." He proceeded to show Aira's picture to him. "I really wish I was of help to you, but I am sorry. She didn't board the bus."

Aira was frantically throwing her things into her Bag. Her phone buzzed,


She ignored his call. She noticed another call and picked it up. "Hello Amma,"

Henry searched the entire bus station for Aira. He sat down on a bench his shoulder sagged as he realised he missed her.

'What if she is still in the house?' He thought, he was trying to reach Aira but her phone was coming engaged. He dialled Farah's number. "Hello, do you need me to pick them up in the evening?" Farah asked as soon as she received the call. "Farah," His voice cracked.

"Henry, is everything alright," Farah enquired.

"She left,"


Henry recounted the other day's event. "This woman, I will probably murder her," Farah shook her head annoyed. "Did you check in the house?"

"I am going back," He informed her. "Then Go..." Farah shouted exasperated.

Henry ran out of the car pushed the front door," He saw Aira all packed and sitting on the floor next to Kal. Her eyes were bloodshot her nose was blown. Her face tear-stained. He went to her. He sat down next to her, he hugged her shoulder.

"I couldn't..." She sobbed. "I thought I was doing the right thing, I packed everything. I realised I was stupid." She sniffled and looked at him. "Are you not pissed?" He shook his head. "I thought walking away would help you both. Amma called," She paused, "I don't know if she realised I was going to do something stupid, she asked me if I was the same after she walked out," She sniffled, "I wasn't, She asked me whether Cora would be able to do this without me. I realised I was only going to hurt her than help her. I am stupid, I am really stupid," She ranted on. Henry held her as she cried her heart out.

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