19. Trip

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This chapter is the longest I have written. It's more of a filler chapter. Hope you would like it.

Aira was nervous as they headed out for the Airport. She was looking over her shoulder every ten seconds. Luckily Cora was asleep in her arms as they checked in. They were waiting to board. People did recognise them. Aira hid Cora's face into the crook of her neck. Henry had gone to make sure Kal was settled for the trip. Unfortunately, he had to be brought to Scotland through a different flight. noticed Henry talking to someone. The man looked familiar but she couldn't point out who he was. Henry turned to them and smiled. Aira returned the smile. She was still getting used to this. Every time Henry smiled at her she felt her heart flutter but at the same time, she felt relaxed. She felt she was safe. Henry and the gentleman came to them.

"Hi," She greeted him. "I am Aira." She said as she transferred Cora to her left and freed her right hand to shake his.

"Hey, Luke Evans, here." He greeted. Cora fussed in Aira's arms. Aira subconsciously rocked the toddler in her arms.

"Flower, Luke here was my co-star during immortals."

That's why he was familiar. Aira thought.

"Oh!" Cora whimpered.

"Aia..." She mumbled as she woke up.

"Hi, Bud." Aira cooed. "Are you hungry?" She asked the toddler.

"No," Cora said before snuggling into Aira'ss chest. Aira placed a light kiss on her forehead and smoothened her hair.

"So this your girl?" Luke teased Henry.

"Yes, but I don't want to rush it or overwhelm her in any way."

"Good. Sometimes slow steps save you." Henry looked at Aira and Cora proudly.

"I need to go. We should catch up once I am back in the country." Luke said as he came closer to Aira to look at Cora. He smiled at the toddler before kissing her cheeks. She fussed in her sleep before turning her face and hiding it into Aira's chest. He gave Aira hug.

"Bye Aira." He said before leaving. He patted Henry shoulder in goodbye.

"How's Kal?" Aira asked as he sat down next to her.

"Grumpy, but he will be fine."

"I really wish he could have been with us."

"Darling we both know that is not possible." Aira nodded.

"Mama..." Cora whimpered in her sleep. Both of them looked at her shocked.

"Mama..." She whimpered again. "Sh... sweetie I am here." Aira rocked her. Cora relaxed.

"Did she ever call you that before?" Henry asked her softly.

"Yes once. She was asleep."

"I think a part of her wants you to be her mama."

"We never openly told her that I could be her mother."

"Could be?"

"Henry I want to be her mother. But announcing something like this in a short period is not good. Because once she completely accepts me as her mother and something happens in future and we part ways Cora would be affected terribly."

"As if she won't be now." Henry scoffed. Aira could see an argument steaming.

"That's not what I meant. There is a difference between us hinting her that I could be her mother and Cora herself acknowledges it both consciously and subconsciously. It's her choice. We have no right to do that. I know she never had a mother before but it is not my place to barge in. You are her dad because she accepted you. I am sorry she didn't call you Dada straight away." She looked at him.

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