27. Halloween 2

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"Okay Bug, let's go trick and treat," Henry said as he scooped Cora into his arms. He had excused them from the party. Cora grinned at him.

"What?! What about the bag I had long ago?" Aira gasped. Henry's assistant had brought it into their car.

"She needs to have the experience of going door to door." Henry defended his decision. Aira shook her head and followed him out.

They were taken by surprise by a reporter. "Dr Nair is it true you were divorced by your husband because he caught you cheating?" Aira froze, she gripped Henry's arm strongly. Henry shot a smouldering glare at the nosy woman. "You can ask this to the source of information," He said curtly, he wrapped his arms around Aira's shoulder as he comforted her. Cora was crying, "Meanie," She sniffled, " Its okay baby," Aira immediately took her in her arms. She started bouncing the toddler on her hips. "Mama..." The toddler snuggled into her arms. "Mama is here baby," She soothed the toddler while sending glares at the woman. Cora was never comfortable with people popping out of nowhere. "Let's go, Henry," Aira said before walking off with Cora.

Henry led her to the parking. He texted Joey to make sure the girls reached their respective places.

"So Bug let's go trick and treating," Henry announced as they reached the neighbourhood they were staying. He helped both Cora and Aira out of the car. They had parked outside the neighbourhood as it was difficult to drive through.

"Lates!!!" Cora clapped her hands together, she then realised Aira was still next to her. She shot a sheepish look towards Aira. She chuckled and tapped Cora's nose. "Tonight you are free to get as many chocolates as possible." Aira cooed at Cora. The toddler hugged Aira.

"Fank u,"

"You are welcome sweetheart, One slight condition, we aren't eating them in one go and we share." Aira gave Cora a mischievous grin. Cora looked at Aira in wonder. Henry smiled at her. They started walking, Cora was holding her chocolate bag in one hand and Henry's hand in other. Henry had Aira's hand in his other hand.

They knocked on the first door, " lates" Cora shouted standing down. "Cora sweetie, it's rude to shout," Aira explained to Cora. The door revealed a young girl in her early twenties; she was wearing a rather revealing outfit resembling a rabbit. Aira kind of wanted to Cover Cora's eyes but later chastised herself. The girl gasped once she saw Henry, Aira chuckled, "Lates," Cora quipped peeking out of her hideout behind Aira's leg.

"What?" The girl looked at Aira, "Chocolates," Aira explained.

"Oh! Here you go, sweetheart." The girl gave her a bunch of them. Cora collected it into her bag. "Fank u" Cora smiled at the girl. "Um... May I take a picture with you?" The girl asked nervously. Henry nodded. "I am Amelia, my friends call me Mia." She said to Henry, he gave a friendly smile. Aira was fuming. She felt Cora circling around her. She cleared her throat.

"I could click a picture," Aira offered. She clicked a picture of the girl with Henry on her phone.

"Thank you." Henry looked around for Cora. Aira realised the two- year- old was no longer with them.

"Cora...." Henry and Aira shouted. "Oh, Lord!" The girl gasped as she noticed Cora's bag of chocolates on the ground a few feet away from them on the driveway. Aira stumbled backwards. Henry caught hold of her. "Oh my God!" Aira was hyperventilating.

"Flower, I need you to pull yourself together, she won't be far away." Henry tried to calm her down.

"I have a camera out facing the driveway, the visuals should be in my phone," Amelia told them. Aira nodded.

"Shit!" Henry swore as he saw a man luring Cora with a bar of chocolate. Aira froze as she noticed a band on the man's wrist. "Aakash!" She blurted. Henry squeezed her shoulder. "Henry he will hurt her,"

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