The Big Step

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Aira was watching the shoot wrapped up. It was some fight scene. As soon as the director called cut, Cora toddled over to her father as if she knew it was her cue. She stumbled and fell on a puddle. Aira gasped and ran to Cora, the two-year-old decided to sit on the puddle. Cora was beating her hands on the surface of the puddle, spraying the dirty water everywhere. She was laughing in glee. Aira smiled at her, she crouched down and tried to pick up the toddler. Cora squirmed away, splashing mud on Aira. She heard Henry's deep chuckle above her, Aira glared at him.

"Bug! You will be sick." Aira scooped up the toddler.

"Aia, no 'un." Cora pouted, "My definition of fun doesn't include you playing in mud kiddo. Look at you, all muddy." Aira said, removing a chunk of mud from Cora's hair. Cora smeared mud on Aira's face.

"Cora..." Aira playfully glared, the toddler giggled, placing a sloppy kiss on her cheeks. Aira sighed, she could never be angry with this munchkin.

"Aira, honey did you see Cora?" Henry pretended to look for Cora.

"Dada." Cora reached for Henry. "I can only see a muddy Kid here." Aira swatted his head. "Ow!"

"Your daughter is right here. Mr Cavill." Aira said, extending Cora to him. He placed a light kiss on the two-year-old's forehead. "I will change and come then we can go home," Henry said.

"I will clean her up," Aira said, she leaned forward to kiss his cheek.

Aira ran a bath for Cora. "Now let's take a bath." Aira scooped up Cora and placed her on the side counter, she removed Cora's muddy clothes. Cora was playing with a strand of Aira's hair.

"Aia," Cora spoke, "Yes baby," Aira responded. "Lub me?" Aira froze for a moment, she was totally surprised by the question. She saw Cora looking at her, her eyes expectant. "I, um, do love you, sweetheart, with all my heart." Aira hugged Cora to her chest. "I love you, to the moon and back, Cora. I would always love you, baby girl."

"I lub Aia." Cora grinned at her. "Okay now let's take a bath." Cora ended up splashing water over Aira soaking her. Aira looked at the toddler surprised. She took a robe and wrapped around herself.

Aira brought Cora out of the bath and started to dress Cora when she heard someone knock on the trailer door. "It's open." She called out. The door opened to reveal Freya and Anya. "Hey,"

"Henry told you to come to the dinner bonfire. After which we would be leaving." Anya told her while Freya was playing with Cora, who was in her diaper. "Freya, she needs to change." Cora pouted, she squirmed out of Freya's grip and ran towards the open door. Aira scooped her up.

"Where are you off to Buggy?" She cooed at Cora. "Dada."

"We would be going to Dada soon, but right now we need to change." Aira said, "You need to change too, leave Bug to us." Anya said, taking Cora into her arms. Freya pushed Aira into the bathroom. She sighed.

Henry came into the trailer after not finding the girls anywhere near the bonfire. He saw Anya Freya and Cora coming out of the trailer.

"She is changing," Anya said as they headed towards the bonfire.

"Oh, okay." Henry nodded. The trailer door opened. Aira was wearing one of his shirts and a pair of black leggings. The shirt reached her mid-thigh, the arms despite being folded reached her mid-forearm. She looked small in his shirt. She had a scarf around her neck

"Hey," She greeted him. "Hi," He breathed. She smiled. Her hair was flowing in the Scottish wind. Aira fought to keep her hair off her face, it was still damp and she didn't want to get sick with damp hair. Henry stepped closer to her. He brushed the hair away from her face. He unwrapped the scarf around her neck, "What are you doing?" Aira asked, surprised, "Shh.." He placed his finger over her lips, he managed to get all her hair together and wrapped the scarf over it. He tucked the loose tendrils behind her ear, Aira shivered as his fingers brushed her ear lobe. She heard him inhale sharply. Aira felt the heat course through her vein. He dipped his head to reach her level and placed a soft but lingering kiss on her cheek. Aira stared at him, her lips parted. Her breath was becoming erratic. The close proximity and Henry's musky scent was making her giddy. She felt her mouth go dry. She felt hot, though shy to admit to herself she knew she was being aroused. Her cheeks flushed, she thanked the low light outside the trailer for keeping her face hidden.

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