Review 13: The Ninja Huntsmen

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The Ninja Huntsman
by @kai_pyro15

Grammar and lack of original plot

You're in luck, because I'm a big fan of RWBY. I was hoping it would warm me up to a fan fiction. Though, all this story was the exact scenes from RWBY plus a pitied, trouble-making onlooker. Normally, you'd make your own story by adding the two shows together. This was pretty much someone getting hurt while watching RWBY. Okay, that's bad enough, but the grammar isn't good at all. Try rereading it. Other than that, the past and present tense were a huge mess. The reactions weren't realistic either. I didn't enjoy this story. I did appreciate Ozpin adopting, but that was it for me. Perhaps it wasn't in my tastes. All of it wasn't bad, and I never want authors to feel bad about their stuff. It just wasn't for me, and I feel that there are ways to help make it better.

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