Review 45: Who Am I

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Who Am I
by @BlueMermaid97

For a fan fiction, this story was okay. The plot was alright. I've seen much worse. It's a good basis, I suppose. Though, if I were to subject it to the same rules as any book... The grammar was punctuation was terrible. I knew the basic idea of each sentence, but some things didn't quite make sense. Other things were just blatantly unpunctuated. It really distracted me from reading. The dialogue also distracted me. Making sure you have connecting sentences with your dialogue. It's hard to remember who's saying what when there's a series of quotes and nothing more. The last thing is that I just wasn't interested. It wasn't attention grabbing. Even if it's a fan fiction, you can't depend on the hook of the movies/fandoms themselves. You have to have a hook of your own. That's why I hope you publish more than fan fictions. It's hard to escape the dependency of a fandom. I think a true original piece would be good for you! For everyone!

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