Review 27: Mr. Schmidt

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Mr. Schmidt
by @IslandApricot

So, this story's idea is really interesting. The aspect of it is very intriguing, and I can imagine it brought up to justice. I can only imagine this, though, as the story was nowhere near justice. I think you have a good thing going. Grammar wasn't too bad, and I enjoyed the story. Though, it was hard to figure out who's POV each chapter was in. You didn't show any sign of change. I was left to infer on my own. Now, that's a good tactic for building story plot. As for just different perspectives... Secondly, there wasn't enough explanation to why characters were reacting. The whole book is based off a person who was enraged over a class error of translating. Now, if you had more story and buildup, you could add more reasons why she was so mad. This little thing wasn't realistic at all. It's important to get your readers to relate to all the characters, even the bad ones. Overall, I thing you just need to spend more time explaining in the story. We don't know it yet. Tell us what's happening. Now, I hope you do this because this was a nice read. The idea was great, I just need you to deliver it.

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