3- "Alright boys, it's our debut day!"

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"Pit, is the camera on?" 

"Yes, Robin." 

"Good, because the music video is supposed to drop soon and the fans would never forgive us if we missed it." Robin said, while adjusting his glasses. 

Quietly, Sheik snickered at the nerdy gesture, but he didn't say anything else. 

"HELLO FANS!" Roy screamed from across the room. "WELCOME TO OUR LIVESTREAM!"


"Oop, too late." Roy stuck his tongue out at Ike and gave him a shit-eating grin. 

"Did you actually just say 'oop' out loud-" Link started saying, but Marth cut him off with a sharp elbow to the stomach. 

"Zip it! The video is supposed to drop in literally FIVE SECONDS!" Marth hissed. 

"QUIET." Robin yelled. "I'm sorry for my group mates. They're all idiots." This comment was directed at the camera, and it was clearly meant for the fans. 

"FIVE! FOUR! THREE! TWO! ONE!" Pit exclaimed.

"REFRESH THE PAGE REFRESH THE PAGE REFRESH THE PAGE-" Roy yelled, only to be cut off by a flying pillow that had probably been thrown by Link. 

"There we go. There's our song!" Marth said, pointing at the computer screen. 

Pit adjusted his position so he was in a spot where the viewers could clearly see each member's face. 

The opening started, and Ike shook his head. "Man, this choreography was kind of a pain in the ass to learn."

"Shut up and enjoy our hard work." Marth slapped Ike on the upper arm. 

"Hehe, hard." Roy sniggered. 

"Oh my fucking god, how horny are you? You're a literal fetus, why are you like this?" Link groaned. 

"I'm not the youngest one, damn it!" Roy yelled. 

"SHH, there are actual children in the room, Roy! And you're one of them!" Ike said.

"WHATEVER." Roy turned around, looking more than a little bit like he was pouting. 

Robin paused the video and looked at his groupmates. "Enough, or you're getting thrown off our seventh floor balcony. Got it?"

"Damn, cold." Link mumbled. He nodded in agreement, though. The rest of the group did as well, since they all knew that Robin would probably follow through on his threat. 

The chaos adequately maintained for now, Robin sighed and unpaused the video. 

About halfway through the song, Sheik leaned over and plucked the phone from Pit's hands. 

"I'll take that." Sheik said. "I'm not going to let you see the comments section." 

Pit didn't actually complain- in fact, he'd actually been contemplating handing the phone off to Sheik anyway. The comments were starting to get a little out of control. 

The rest of the video passed in relative peace (especially for this group), and the comments section of the livestream just got thirstier and thirstier. 

The boys sat in silence for a moment before Sheik laughed quietly and said "So, who wants to hear how the fans reacted? Pit, you can step out of the room or something if you'd like."

"Oh boy. Sure, why the hell not?" Robin spun around in his chair, since it was one of those rolly office chairs that everybody and their mother loves to screw around in. 

The Crackheaded Adventures of the Brawltang Boys and 6mixWhere stories live. Discover now