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"ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA, GUESS WHAT!!!" Lucina screeched.

"Huh?" Zelda looked up from the book that she had been about to fall asleep while reading. "Lucina, it's like..." She glanced over at the clock and flinched so hard the book flew into the air. Lucina had to dodge the paperback projectile, which she thankfully managed to do. "AHH! WHY ARE YOU NOT AT YOUR PREMIERE??"

"Because I want to bring you with. Oh, and Sheik can come too. If he can make it. I know he's got a super busy schedule and all that." Lucina replied, grinning like a maniac.

"I'm going to force him to come with, since he needs something to do other than be depressed all the time." Zelda said matter of factly.

"True lol" Lucina picked up the book that Zelda had thrown and set it on her side table. "Anyways, we need to leave in like 30 minutes if we want to make it on time."

Zelda gave her a confused look, and question marks basically appeared in the air behind her like from that one meme with the confused guy. "Weren't you supposed to be there like an hour ago?"

"Details, details. Ashe knows I'm going to be late." Lucina waved her hand vaguely. "Oh and he knows I'm bringing friends. You two technically have invites, I'm just not a fan of that fancy bureaucratic stuff."

Okay anyways timeskip to the trio at the premiere because I'm fucking lazy

"Zelda, are you sure I'm supposed to be here?" Sheik asked, fiddling with the cuffs of his suit jacket. Aw look, he's dressed fancy. That sounds hot ngl-

"Yes, now shut up. We're here to support Lucina, not cause more drama. If you stand there and look nervous, people are going to notice you. Try to look excited for the movie or something." Zelda sighed and scanned the crowd for Lucina, who had disappeared somewhere.

Sheik groaned and straightened out the collar of his shirt again. He looked paranoid, but who could blame him? Maybe one of the Dwarf Cult was gonna jump him or something.


"Hey guys! This is Ashe Ubert, my co-star. He's playing Sheik in the movie. He's also a part of Ashen." Lucina exclaimed, gesturing to the green-eyed boy next to her.

"Oh hey Ashe. Nice to see you." Zelda high fived him. She's friends with basically everybody who's involved in K-pop so she already knew who he was.

"It's good to see you too, Zelda. This must be your brother? The real-life Sheik?" Ashe said, studying the blonde guy in front of him.

"Yep. That's me." Sheik laughed awkwardly. "I don't think we've technically met before."

Ashe shook his head. "You're right. Constance won't shut up about you, though. She thinks you're hot. Kind of weird to finally meet you, though. I can definitely see what Constance has been going on about."

Sheik mumbled something that was unintelligible due to both his accent and how quietly he was speaking, so Zelda elbowed him and smiled at Ashe. "Don't mind him. He's really bad at taking compliments. Like, really bad."

"No worries!" Ashe laughed. "So, are you guys excited for the movie?"

"Oh yeah!" Zelda exclaimed. "I mean, Lucina hasn't been able to shut up about it since she got back from filming."

Alarmed, Ashe looked over at Lucina. "You didn't tell her about the plot of the movie, did you??"

"Hell no." Lucina scoffed. "She has no idea what she's getting into." She then proceeded to cackle like a madwoman.

Zelda gulped. From what she'd gathered so far, both from reviews and Lucina's ramblings, To Be A Monster (which is going to be abbreviated as TBAM from now on because I'm not typing that out every time) was a political drama film about Medieval Hyrule. It was also apparently a historical film because of this. Zelda had read the legends about Medieval Hyrule, and she'd read that the queen from this era had been completely insane.

The Crackheaded Adventures of the Brawltang Boys and 6mixWhere stories live. Discover now