12- "Toxic fans are the worst."

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"Oh my fucking Hylia, I am going to STRANGLE these fuckers!" Zelda yelled. She was pacing back and forth in the Brawltang Boys's dorm, because she was visiting her brother like a good sister would. 

The rest of 6mix was there for moral support, but they're not all that important lol

I jest of course, they're important. 

"Honestly! What right do they have to attack you? You have more talent in your pinky finger than any of those overgrown CHILDREN have in their whole bodies!" Zelda continued yelling, her pacing picking up speed and intensity. 

"Zelda, please." Sheik said tiredly. "They're just people."

"Yeah, people who are insulting my baby brother! You think I'm gonna sit by and let them treat you like Father did?" Zelda exclaimed. 

The other members of 6mix and Brawltang were watching this whole exchange with wide eyes. Thankfully, nobody had their phone out. 

"Please don't bring Father into this." Sheik mumbled, visibly flinching when Zelda mentioned their father. 

"Seriously, Sheik! You don't fucking deserve this!" Zelda exclaimed. "You've gotten enough abuse for who you are."

Sheik just looked at her with an exhausted expression on his face. "Yeah, I've been hit before. I've heard all this before, but these are people I've worked so damn hard to please, and yet they're trying to fucking cancel me." He laughed bitterly. "Suppose that's what I get for being an idiot. Really, I've only got myself to blame at the end of the day."

"For the love of Hylia herself-" Zelda exhaled and counted to three in her head to calm down. "How many times do I have to tell you that none of this is your fault?"

"As many times as you want. Doesn't stop me from overthinking." Sheik shrugged soullessly. 

"You're impossible." Zelda groaned. "I'm calling Corrin if you keep this up."

"Wait, no, please don't." Sheik looked afraid for some reason. "Also, since when do you have his number?"

Zelda laughed. "I've had his number since you two started dating." Then she noticed the expression on his face and frowned. "Are you scared of your own boyfriend now?"

"NO!" Sheik exclaimed, a bit louder than necessary. "I'm just... kind of avoiding him because I don't want to hurt him any more than I already have by starting this whole mess."

"SHEIK, YOU ABSOLUTE IDIOT!" Zelda yelled. "I'm calling him. You two need to talk."

"Please don't!" Sheik was very nearly begging, which wasn't something he did often- his pride usually didn't allow it. 

Instead of responding, Zelda selected Corrin's contact information and called him. 

"Hey Corrin, would you mind coming over to the Brawltang Boys's dorm to talk some sense into your boyfriend? Zelda said. 

"Yeah, I'll be right over." Corrin replied. "I hope he hasn't done anything too stupid this time."

"Nah, he's just refusing to listen to me. Also he outright said he's avoiding you because of all this." Zelda smiled sweetly at her brother, who groaned and covered his face with his hands. 

"I figured." Corrin sighed over the phone. "Talk to ya in a bit."

"Yep." Zelda hung up on him and put her phone away. She faced her brother and crossed her arms. "Alright. You two are gonna talk. In private. The rest of us are gonna give you some privacy. And then you can sort out whatever the hell is going on in your head without me or any of these other nosy idiots here."

The Crackheaded Adventures of the Brawltang Boys and 6mixWhere stories live. Discover now