21- "We're on a roll I guess."

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"Peach, they're on to us." Palutena burst into the main room of 6mix's dorm with her phone held at her side.

"Huh?" Peach looked up from the game of Uno she was playing with Samus, Daisy, and she-who-will-not-be-named.

"They're on to us." Palutena repeated.

"That sucks lol" Samus deadpanned. "PLUS FOUR, BITCH!" She shrieked, placing down a +4 Wild Card. "BLUE."

"GODDAMN IT." Daisy screeched. She drew four cards and glared at Samus.

At her side, the youngest member of 6mix who I'm going to avoid naming for as long as possible because I'm still pissed about Miller, snickered and placed down a blue 7.

Samus placed a blue 3 down and then yelled "UNO!"

"Hey, did you just skip me without using a skip card??" Peach asked, looking upset.

"Yeah, you're irrelevant anyways." Samus replied. "Everybody knows I'm much more popular."

"Bitch please. I'm iconic." Peach flipped her hair sassily. Palutena was being ignored because she's actually irrelevant lmao

Zelda was just watching the chaos go down. She had her phone at her side and she was anxiously checking it like every five seconds. Daisy noticed this and laughed.

"Zelda, are you waiting for some hot guy to text you or something?" Daisy asked.

"I wish." Zelda rolled her eyes. "Sheik sent me a concerning text at like 3 in the morning. I'm waiting for him to respond to my reply."

"What, you think he...?" Daisy didn't bother finishing her sentence.

"I don't think he would actually do anything too drastic yet, but I'm worried about him anyway." Zelda sighed.

"It's been a week since they broke up, right?" Palutena asked.

"Yes." Zelda replied.

"Poor guy. He's too nice for his own good." Peach sighed and shook her head. "Anyways, what did you mean by 'they're onto us,' Pat?"

"The internet. They're beginning to suspect that we're together." Palutena explained.

"Oh." Peach frowned. "Well what the hell are we supposed to do now?"

"I guess we should break up? That way we avoid getting into a lot of very public drama." Palutena suggested, adopting the thinking emoji face.

"You're right." Peach nodded and set her cards down. Samus, Daisy, and the bitch all started protesting heavily, but Peach shushed them. "Ok so we're done I guess." 


Neither Palutena or Peach appeared too bothered by this, actually. It was quite odd. Then again they hadn't been dating for very long anyway.

"Well now I can go date Robin :D" Palutena said cheerfully. Peach sighed and smacked her forehead.

"Bruh he's a dick." Samus said. "I'd stay far away from him."

"Yeah uh he's not..." Daisy laughed nervously and looked around like Robin was gonna randomly appear out of the hallway or something. "He's not a good person. I don't know the full story- none of us do- but something isn't right."

"You think?" Zelda scoffed. 

"So like... maybe don't date him. At least not until he gets therapy or something." Daisy remarked.

The rest of the girls nodded in agreement. Palutena sighed and threw her hands up. "It was a joke, chill out. I'm not dating him until he gets his shit together."

The Crackheaded Adventures of the Brawltang Boys and 6mixWhere stories live. Discover now