25- "Good intentions don't always justify your actions."

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"Alright, that looks good. Let's run the opening one more time, and then I think we'll be good to go for today." the director said, looking at the script and adjusting his glasses. "Annette, you're doing great, but maybe dial the enthusiasm down a bit? Remember, you're not supposed to be excited- you're a social outcast, essentially."

Annette nodded cheerfully. "Got it!"

The cast ran through the opening one more time, as instructed. Everything went smoothly, much to Corrin's relief. He was eager to get back to his apartment and just relax for a while- the week's rehearsals had exhausted him.

"Okay, you're dismissed. Good work today." The director clapped his hands and then started shuffling his notes around in preparation to leave.

All Corrin had to do was grab his messenger bag and jacket from his coat hook. It was simple, really. He should've been out of there in roughly five minutes, but he was stopped by Niles and Inigo.

"We're heading to the bar. You wanna come with?" Niles asked with his signature smirk.

"I'd like to be by myself tonight." Corrin answered, not meeting the other man's gaze. "Thanks for the offer, though."

"Are you finally going to catch up on Soul Eater?" Inigo asked.

"...I don't know. Maybe." Corrin sighed and finished putting on his jacket. "I think I might finish reading Naruto first."

Inigo frowned slightly for a moment, then shrugged and said "Alright."

Corrin could tell that Inigo was confused, but he didn't want to explain himself. He was well aware that the reason why he hadn't finished watching Soul Eater yet was fucking pathetic, and yet here he was.

He waved goodbye to Niles and Inigo, then started walking to the exit. His apartment wasn't too far away, so the walk was pretty short.

Once he got to his apartment and had settled down in a chair with a couple volumes of Naruto stacked on the side table, Corrin decided to check Twitter real quick to see what was going on.

That turned out to be a bad idea.

The first tweet he saw read: "Ngl I feel like we should've seen the slap coming, Robin has always given me weird vibes"

He was suddenly regretting his decision to reactivate his Twitter account.

Confused and a little horrified, Corrin scrolled through a bunch of tweets about the situation so he could just understand what was going on. Eventually he came across a clip of the slap itself, and he literally had to set his phone down for a second after watching it.

What the hell have I done?

Logically, he knew he had no control over the situation, but he was entirely responsible for how exhausted Sheik looked.

Jesus fucking Christ.

Surprisingly, Zelda hadn't blocked him on Twitter yet. So, naturally, he sent her a DM.

Because that's exactly what any ex would do, right? Lmfao

Corrin: Zelda, i know you don't want to hear from me right now. but I just heard about what Robin did.

Equally as surprising was the fact that she responded almost right away.

Zelda: This had better be important. And by important, I mean you better not give me any lame excuses.

Corrin: is he alright?

Zelda: Hylia herself. Are you really that stupid? You already know the answer to that question.

Corrin: i know, i'm an idiot. just, please. answer the question.

Zelda: To tell you the truth, I'm not exactly certain. He's not texting me anything about how he's feeling, and Link texted me the other day saying that he'd relapsed. But don't you DARE try and talk to him. That is nowhere near what he needs right now.

Corrin: he's cutting again?

Zelda: Yes, that is what Link told me.

Corrin: damn it.

Zelda: I don't want to say "I told you so," but... I TOLD YOU SO.

Corrin: yeah. you're right.

Zelda: Now, if that's all you needed from me, I have other things to do that are more important than your sorry ass.

Corrin: no, i'm fine. thank you for your time.

With that, he closed the DM and took a deep breath. He took one look at the manga stacked on his side table and walked into the kitchen.

He felt really fucking guilty. So, naturally, he was going to get drunk and forget about it for a while. Because that's normal, right? Right.

And that's on healthy coping mechanisms lmfao



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