31- "Jealousy is a powerful thing."

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Robin couldn't sleep. He'd been having a hard time sleeping ever since that day in therapy when he finally woke up and realized just how terrible he was. 

Once upon a time, Sheik might've been here beside him, talking about inconsequential bullshit to distract themselves from the reason they weren't sleeping. 

He'd wrecked that, of course. 

His petty jealousy had gotten in the way, and now he was paying for it. 

"Get yourself together." Robin muttered under his breath. 

Robin sat there for a little while, his eyes closed as he tried to get himself together. 

Then he heard it. 


Of course it was him. 


"I'd ask if you can't sleep, but you wouldn't be here if you could."

This was so fucking familiar it made his heart hurt. 

"Are you doing this on purpose?" Robin asked, a bit more sharply than he intended. He opened his eyes to find the blonde standing there and looking slightly awkward. 

"...I'm worried about you." Sheik whispered, refusing to meet Robin's gaze. 

"That doesn't answer my question. And you shouldn't worry about me, I don't deserve it."

"Not really. It's just a coincidence." Sheik hesitated and then sat down next to him. "Will you talk to me? Please?"

"Just go away." Robin snapped. 


Robin looked over at Sheik, who was staring determinedly back at him. What a surprise. He certainly had changed over the last five years. 

"I know you think I hate you." Sheik continued. 

"Yeah, because you have every right to." 

"I don't hate you."

Rather unexpectedly, Robin felt like he was going to cry. Usually he would've gotten angry and shoved whoever was in front of him away, but this was different. This was Sheik. He couldn't bring himself to care that he looked pathetic anymore. Sheik was about the only person he trusted enough to see him like this. 

"I can't hate you. You were my friend before you... changed. Even though you hurt me in so many ways, I can't hate you." 

Robin stayed silent. He didn't trust himself to speak. 

"So. If you need to talk about why you're awake now, I'll listen. Everybody deserves to have someone to talk to when things get bad." Sheik whispered. 

"It's just..." Robin sighed. "Nevermind. It's stupid."

"It's not stupid."

"Yeah, it is." Robin snapped. "Just leave me alone. Stop wasting your time on me."

"Hey, Robin, I-"

"Stop. Please. I know you're trying to help, but don't bother. Just leave me here. I don't deserve your help." Robin cut him off and stood up, turning his back to the Sheikah. He took a shaky breath, praying that he didn't start crying. He didn't want to cry. Crying was a weakness. He was not weak. 

And Sheik, damn him and his kind heart, also stood up. He put his hand on Robin's shoulder, the contact making him tense up. "Listen to me, Robin. You deserve help. No matter what you think, you deserve to be helped."

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