28 - "Nothing left to lose."

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One week after the whole awards show fiasco, Robin was away from the dorm doing whatever the hell he did when he disappeared like that. This was a thing that he did pretty regularly, and the other boys were glad to have him away for a while. 

Especially because today happened to be the day that SmashHit was finally going to release their statement on the matter. 

"It's posted." Link said calmly, after refreshing his homescreen for the sixtieth time in two seconds. 

Roy, who was the unofficial reader of tweets, cleared his throat and read the tweet. "Greetings. This is the CEO of SmashHit Entertainment. Recently, it has come to our attention that the leader of the Brawltang Boys, Kim Cavali Havana, has been diagnosed with Narcissistic Personality Disorder. A link is attached in case you want to learn more about the situation." He then ruined the moment by snickering and saying "Ha. Link."

"Stfu" Link scowled and slapped his boyfriend's arm. 

"Make me." Roy stuck his tongue out at him.

"Is that a challenge?" Link asked.

"Oooooookayyyy, anyways." Marth cleared his throat. "Can you guys leave that for later? Please?"

"Yeah ok whatever." Link and Roy both grumbled. 

"So." Ike sighed. "They didn't terminate Robin's contract, or make him step down as leader. Or even make him take a hiatus."

"I mean it's better than nothing?" Pit remarked. Ever the optimist. We stan.

Sheik stayed quiet. For a second, it looked like he was going to say something, until the door opened and a great disturbance in the Force rippled throughout the room. 

Robin walked into the room, a box of doughnuts held in one hand and his phone in the other. Oh and he looked absolutely livid, so that was fun. 

"What. The. Fuck." Robin said flatly.

"Robin, you knew this was coming." Ike replied. 

"I was just trying to get some fucking doughnuts and this happens." Robin scowled and waved the box of doughnuts around. 

Roy tracked the movement of the box, trying to gauge if it was worth the risk to go up and grab one. Doughnuts were one of his favorite foods, and seeing a box of them waved around like that was almost too tempting. 

"Bruhhhh." Link rolled his eyes. 

"Whatever. Fuck this. Sheik, this is your fucking fault. Goddamn oversensitive little bitch." Robin turned on his heel and stormed out, taking the doughnuts with him (much to Roy's dismay.)

"HEY!" Marth yelled. "Robin, get your ass back out here! I'm supposed to take you to your appointment and make sure you're not skipping!"

"FUCK OFF!" Robin shouted. 

After some chasing, Marth managed to wrangle Robin into the car. He was currently brooding in the passenger's seat, eating a squished doughnut and trying to kill Marth with his glare. 

Thus begins Robin's adventure in therapy.

Once he got into the building, his first thought was that he hated it. And so he pointed that fact out to Marth. Repeatedly. 

"I hate this." was the first thing Robin said to his poor therapist, who definitely needs a raise and they haven't even gotten 2 seconds in to the appointment. 

"Good afternoon. I'm assuming you're Kim Cavali Havana?" the therapist asked, shuffling the file they had open on the desk. 

"Yes." Robin hissed. "Just call me Robin."

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