26- "Go to hell."

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"I'm sorry, I can't drive you to your appointment today." Marth said with a sigh. "I've got a date with Caeda, and I'm not going to bail on her."

"No, it's fine. I get it." Sheik replied. "I can ask-"

"I'll do it."

Sheik damn near flinched at the sound of Robin's voice. Beside him, Marth's eyes widened, and he very nearly said something. Unfortunately, he stopped himself at the last second.

"Is there a problem?" Robin asked icily.

"N-no. No problem." Sheik stuttered, nearly forgetting to use Korean. As always.

"Great. Let's go. You're going to be late."

With a reluctant glance back at Marth, Sheik followed the silver-haired man out the door. His anxiety only rose with each step he took, but he forced himself to ignore it. If he got himself visibly worked up, it would only make things worse.

He'd learned that the hard way, of course.

The car ride was silent. Sheik spent most of the time wishing he could disappear or just playing with one of the many fidget cubes he'd started stashing in his pockets to fight off anxiety. And no matter how much he wanted to, he didn't pull his scarf up over his nose.

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity (probably because it kinda was lol) the car came to a stop. "We're here." Robin remarked flatly.

Sheik took one look outside and frowned. "Uh, no, we're not?"

Robin just looked at him, irritation already beginning to show on his expression. "Yes. We are. Or, more accurately, I suppose you are."

"What are you even...?"

"Get out of the car."

"This isn't the right place. This is literally the middle of nowhere."

"I know. It's where you belong."

"Are you trying to ditch me?" Sheik asked incredulously.

"No shit. Now get out of the car."

"Robin, seriously. Why are you...? What do you have to gain from this?" 

"Not having to listen to your whining, for one. Jesus fucking Christ. I'm so sick of listening to you complain all the time. You know what, Sheik? I'm doing something nice for you. So just shut the fuck up and get out of the damn car." Robin responded, his voice sounding dangerously threatening.

Now, normally Sheik would've given up by now. Just let Robin lash out at him and bite down the anger and hurt and everything else that he'd been feeling for months.

It had been about four months since Robin had slapped him while they were live, and he'd only gotten worse. Five months in total, since that had happened one month after the rest of the guys got back. Not to mention how he'd literally yelled at him while the group was live last week. That had prompted a whole argument while their fans watched.

Sheik was done with it. He was done with sitting by and letting Robin constantly abuse him like this.

Something inside him just snapped.

"Okay, you know what? Fuck this! I'm so damn tired of listening to you constantly mock me! You constantly call me sensitive, even when you're literally telling me to go kill myself and that I'm a waste of space! You're always criticizing me and making me look like an idiot!" Sheik yelled. "How the hell am I supposed to just sit here and listen to you degrade and insult me without reacting at all?"

Robin just sat there and scowled. Finally, he unbuckled his seat belt and got out of the car. He walked around to the other side, opened the door, and unbuckled Sheik's seatbelt.

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