29- "Whoa we can actually be wholesome?"

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"Ok guys, get your shit together please." Marth sighed. "We're supposed to be wholesome today because the author needs a break from writing gore. And also he felt bad about writing yet another gory chapter that he was gonna publish on the 15th as a birthday present for one of his friends. So instead he's writing this. Also, he apologizes for all the gore in the recent chapters."

"Marth you can't just SAY things like that-" Link protested.

"Yes, I can. Now stfu, we have wholesome stuff to get to." Marth flipped his hair (does he have enough hair to flip? Idfk) and glared sassily at Link.

"Maaaaarth are you reverting to your fanon personality?" Pit asked, hanging half off the couch and smiling. But because he was upside-down, just like Claude taught him, it looked like a frowny face.

Frowny face emoji.

"Nah fam, not even I will stoop that low." Marth wrinkled his nose in disgust and turned to face the camera. He clapped his hands and said "OKAY ANYWAYS."

Robin, who was unsurprisingly skipping his therapy session, rolled his eyes and kept scrolling through Twitter.

"He's totally going back to his fanon personality." Link whispered conspiratorially, leaning over so Pit could hear him better without Marth overhearing.

"Well fuck." Roy said. "I don't like fanon Marth. He's too much of a diva and not enough of a mama. I like mama Marth better."

Sheik snickered, but he tried to keep his expression neutral as he flipped the pages of his book.

"Hey, Sheik, what are you reading?" Roy asked, in an attempt to carry the discussion away from fanon Marth and to something more interesting.

"Eh, not much." Sheik shrugged and kept reading.

Lmao maybe he's working on his Kakashi impression and reading hentai.

"It better not be one of your nerd books again." Robin said.

"Says you." Sheik responded casually.


Much to everybody's surprise, instead of getting angry, Robin laughed. Like, genuinely laughed.

The rest of the boys just stared as Sheik started laughing too.

"Who are you and what have you done with Robin???" Link asked incredulously.

"I walked right into that one!" Robin wheezed, trying to catch his breath and failing.

Sheik was laughing too hard to respond.

"This is weird." Roy whispered, subtly edging closer to Link.

"Kinda." Pit agreed.

Finally, both Sheik and Robin calmed down enough to breathe without immediately breaking into laughter again.

That didn't last long lmao

The room was dead silent for a minute until Sheik said "Robin, how many alternate accounts do you have on Twitter?"

"Uhh... I'm not telling you that."

"You must be overcompensating for something then."


Robin stared at him for a good half second before saying "Bruh what are you smoking? I'm not overcompensating for anything. Just ask the stupid girls I hook up with on a daily basis."

"Nothing lol" Sheik stuck his tongue out at Robin and cackled. "I feel great, and you're overcompensating, I'm sure of it :D"

"LMFAO ok buddy." Robin rolled his eyes and tried to repress the urge to laugh again. Then, he turned to Ike and asked "Bro can I have what he's having? He must be high as fuck right now, he never does this."

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