6- "I just wanna make you scream!"

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"So when did the boys say they'd be here?" Peach asked, casually redoing her makeup for the sixtieth time since Zelda and Lucina had both received texts from their brothers. 

Zelda rolled her eyes. "They'll be here soon. Sheik said they're on the way now." 

"Samus, is Ike going to be staying the night after this?" Daisy asked. 

"Maybe. Why?" Samus replied, looking confused. 

"The rest of us want to know if we should get popcorn to listen to the two of you being kinky little shits all night." Daisy said with a completely straight face. 

Samus threw a pillow at Daisy. "Fuck you."

"No, you have a boyfriend for that. Jeez, Sam." Daisy cackled. 

For a moment, it looked like Samus was going to get up and start beating Daisy up for her comments, but then the doorbell rang. 

"Okay ladies, they're here! Damn, they have good timing. Our comeback is dropping in like three minutes." Zelda clapped her hands to call everybody to attention, because she's the leader lady. 

Ike was the first one in the door, rather predictably. Following him was Link, then Sheik, then Robin, and so on because I'm way too lazy to list the rest of the group members. Pit was at the back, though. 

"Can we at least get settled in before you start trying to eat your girlfriend?" Sheik asked sarcastically. 

"Shut up." Ike and Samus replied at the same time. 

"No can do." Sheik waited until Ike had turned around to stick his tongue out at the two lovebirds. 

"I suppose that's what they get for waiting literally three years to actually start dating." Link sighed and shook his head. "Newsflash, kids: Don't do that. Then you end up like those two." He jerked a thumb in Samus and Ike's direction. The two of them were currently making out against the back wall. 

Without looking, Ike gave Link and Sheik the finger. 

"Sheik, Link. Be nice." Robin chided. 

"I don't have to be nice if I don't want to be." Sheik mumbled. 

Zelda frowned. He was being extra petty today. "Dude, what's going on?"

"Nothing. I'm fine." Sheik snapped. 

"Whatever you say, buddy." Lucina walked by him and patted him on the head. 

Sheik scowled and slapped Lucina's hand away. Then he went off to go pout, so Zelda decided she'd check on him later. 

This whole interaction took up the remaining three minutes before the comeback was supposed to drop, so Palutena shushed everybody and pulled the music video up on the wall, thanks to the projector that Daisy had bought a few weeks ago. 

Three minutes and thirty seconds of silence. 

When the song was over, the first thing that happened was Roy bursting out in laughter. 

"Zelda, I dare you to say your 'wanna make you scream' line!" Roy cackled. 

"I just want to make you scream?" Zelda quoted, looking puzzled.

"HAHAHAH KINKY" Roy screeched, looking immensely pleased with himself. 

"Shut up, you horny little bastard-" Marth shouted, giving him the finger over Lucina's head. 

"You're just as horny as I am, you're just more subtle about it. Need I remind you of the time that I-" Roy smirked over at Marth. 

"THAT IS ENOUGH." Marth yelled, cutting Roy off before he could finish. 

The Crackheaded Adventures of the Brawltang Boys and 6mixWhere stories live. Discover now