30- "More chaotic energy!"

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"This chapter is literally the equivalent of a filler episode in an anime." Roy groaned and covered his eyes with his hand. "I'm bored already."

"Just skip it then." Pit said apathetically. "That's what I did with One Piece and Naruto."

Sheik looked up from his phone, which he was currently using to watch Naruto Shippuden for the sixtieth time, and scowled. "Pit, how dare you. Filler episodes suck, yes, but you shouldn't skip them!"

"ROY I SWEAR TO FUCKING GOD-" Marth screeched, putting an end to the Debate of the Weebs. Does Sheik even count as a weeb, since he's actually Japanese? Whatever lol "STOP FUCKING DOING THAT."


"Whoa, and I thought last chapter had chaotic energy." Link stared at his boyfriend, who was dangling half off the couch. 

"Yeah well this one is extra chaotic because it's a filler episode and also the author wanted to update for his birthday, because there's no way he's getting ial done in time. Also he's procrastinating several things at once, so that's fun." Ike explained like the good boomer he is. 

"wow you can really tell that he's getting generic. The last chapter was also a birthday special for one of his friends, and it started the exact same way with the exact same vibes. Maybe it is a good thing he's ending it after the timeskip and 5 chapters-" Roy said, only to be cut off by Marth slamming a pillow into his face. 

"Omfg can we just stop with the fourth wall breaks? It's not even funny anymore. Talk about a worn-out joke." Robin rolled his eyes. 

"Stfu" Link snapped. 

"No u"

"Guys please don't fight." Pit said, giving Robin and Link puppy dog eyes. 

"...Yeah ok whatever." Robin mumbled. "I have to go to my therapist appointment anyway." 

So he yeeted away, grumbling the entire time. Marth followed him, because he was the one who could deal with Robin's bs long enough to escort him there and back, just to make sure he wasn't doing anything illegal. 

Link smiled smugly. "I win."

Roy sighed and put a hand over his eyes. "Okay but what are we going to do now?"

"I don't know. Should we call the girls or something?" Ike shrugged.

"Good idea." Link said. "Sheik, call your sister."

"What? Why?" Sheik paused his episode and took out his earbuds. 

"Just do it." 


"I don't care if you're in the middle of an episode, you've seen it before." 

Sheik scowled. "I was going to watch these episodes last night, but you and Roy were wayyy too loud."

"That's your problem." Link replied smugly. 

"Wow. Ok. I see how it is." Sheik rolled his eyes and exited out of the app he was using to watch Naruto Shippuden. He unplugged his earbuds and then pulled up Zelda's contact in his phone, which was labeled "She-devil I'm somehow related to (Zelda)." 10/10 contact name. "Link, do you want me to video call her or just regular call?"

"Video call."

"Cool." Sheik tapped on the little camera icon, which then started dialing Zelda. She picked up fairly quickly, and once Sheik saw that she'd picked up the phone, he threw it to Link. "Catch!"

Thankfully for Sheik's phone, Link has wonderful reflexes. He managed to catch the phone, though his hand covered up the camera for a second. 

Zelda was c o n f u s i o n.

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