Chapter One

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Publish date:- 17/03/2020

Adhira's POV

"Adhi... beta plz turn off the light na...I m not able to sleep...and it's very late u should also sleep." My mother said in her sleepy voice.

"Maa just a moment. And I will turn off the light." I replied still busy in my project.

I m a student of B.Com third year. I want to become a businesswoman and took out my mom from this poverty.

She had working in the mansion after her marriage, though chhoti aunty is good in nature, but I really dont like my mom to work in someone else's house.

She has a permanent job there, first my grandfather then my father worked for them.

My father is no more now, he died 5 years back, from then only chhoti aunty took good care of us, even though my mom worked at her mansion as a worker, she never treated her like one.

I thought to pursue my career in business, and after I completed my 12th I chose to do B.Com after this I will do MBA.

Chhoti Aunty had always Supported me for choosing my career. My mom was against this but chhoti aunty supported  me.

She knows me when I was 2 years old, as she was married to chhote Sir at that time, but there is a bade sir too, and he had one son, we hadn't met from last 15 years, he went to boarding school when I was just 6 years old and he was 10.

We were good friends at that time, but now we r not in contact.

Bade sir's wife is no more. She was died when her son was just 8 years old.

Chhoti aunty hadn't any child, but she loved me like her own.

We r kind of good friends. And we sometimes enjoy when there were no bade Sir. Becoz I really feared from him, though he is little bit strict but then also.

I turned off the light, and went to my bed, I dont have any personal bed. Me and my mom sleep on one bed, that too on the floor, but sleeping on floor is good for health. I took mom's legs and started massaging her.

She worked whole day and night, and I know, she must have became tired, but she never let me know about this.

In my childhood, I saw her always massaging her legs with her own, in middle of the night, not letting me do anything. She always restricted me strictly not to touch her feet but I never took her srsly in these things.

After I massaged her legs, i also closed my eyes, hoping that tomorrow will be a new day.

"Adhi...come on get up... I m going to the mansion." Mom replied, waking me up.

It was 6am, and I dont want to get up this early, but seeing mom I got up from the bed, and started folding it.

I didnt attend classes, becoz if I will do that, I wouldnt able to help my mom.

Chhoti aunty is so generous, she had paid my college fee, and becoz of her I m completing my studies.

"Maa... take some rest na... and waise bhi chhoti aunty wont mind." I said after washing my face.

"So what? She won't mind, but it's my duty, and I should do that on time. Ek to tu kuchh karti nhi...or upper se kahti ye sab kahti wont give u anything. Understood? Leave that and help me in work." She replied still in an angry mood.

( First u didnt do anything and top of that u said these things...)

"Maa u know na I don't like to work  and that too as a maid, I dont want to become like u guys and moreover I want to take u from this poverty. We will be live in future like chhoti aunty living. Study is the only key of our poverty's lock." I replied thought she might understand my point of view.

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