Chapter Seven

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That book is so close to my heart, infact my every book is very close to my heart, and you guys are doing nothing but crushing it.

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Not Edited



Author's POV

It's been a month, Viaan always drop his sister to her college, just to see her. He gave her flowers everyday. And she for some reason accepted it.

Somehow Adhira got to know about this. It was the day, she was with Vanshi waiting for her brother to pick her up.

Viaan came and when he saw Adhira, a small smile crept on his lips.

He came out of the car, and went towards her.

"Mr. Rajput, I want to talk to you for a minute. Can I?" Adhira asked calmed and composed.

Viaan wasn't expecting that, but as she had requested it, he nodded his head.

"Sure." He said and signalled his sister to sit in the car.

"Mr. Rajput..." he cuts her off in middle.

"You can call me Viaan." He said smiling like a love seek puppy infront of her.

"Mr. Rajput. I don't like your this attitude. I don't want to be in these kind of rubbish relationships. I want to clear one thing here. I don't love you, not even like you, and if you are thinking I will come after you becoz of ur look and money, then let me tell you, looks can deceive and about money, money is not everything. So I request you to stop these kind of gesture you are doing. I don't want your flowers. I just came here to study not to do love shit. I hope you understand. And yes. Sorry for my rude behaviour." Saying this, Adhira walked off from there.

She just said, those words which has hurted her in the past. She don't want to a part of it again.

Maybe she won't stop loving Shivaansh, maybe she can't think anyone in his place, but now she can't even think about him, and about her love, becoz, for her self respect is more than love.

If there's isn't self respect then there's no love.

Before love, trust is the base, and she don't want to give someone a slightest bit of idea about her past.

Now, her only aim is to show Shivaansh his real place and to take care of her mother. She can't again hurt herself, doing the same mistake and that is love.

Love is a mistake, and it can never be erased. If the person is living, he will love the one he had loved, so for now her only aim was to be away from this emotion. From this rubbish emotion.

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