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"Shieldwall!" I yelled, I watched as my men worked together like army ants. I was now hidden under a sea of shields, my sword still poised. "Advance! Give them no ground!" We moved together as one. We felt the weight of the Saxons as they clashed against our shields. "Stand your ground!" A blade suddenly came out of no where and struck the wolf skull which narrowly missed my eye.

I broke the blade and slit the Saxons throat. "Push harder!" I growled, I could see some of my men grew weary. But we had made a dent in their army and we had almost reached their leader. We kept pushing, swords, shields and spears bloodied. At my command my men dropped their shields and I charged through, I pulled their leader from his horse and decapitated him.

I gripped his head by his hair and lifted high into the sky. "Your leaders soul is now mine, go back and tell your king we own these lands now!" The remaining army retreated, we collected the weapons and the dead. We returned to camp, and built pyres and sent the fallen on their way.

"Did we miss all the action?" Erik asked as he rode up with his brother and the rest of his men.

"You did indeed," I said placing my weapons down outside my tent.

"It's an honour to meet the warrior of the North," Siegfried said.

"It's an honour to finally meet the two brothers who took London," I said. "Please help yourself, drink, eat, rest. What is mine is yours," I said.

"We are grateful," Erik said and both found the tent that served as our hall. I walked to the lake no far from my camp, I needed to bathe in the waters. I removed my armour and cloak but I did not remove my mask, rarely anyone gazed upon my face. I gently washed the water over my skin, I could see the blood disappearing as I did. This was the only time I had alone, to be me.

As soon as a chill set in I returned to the shore and pulled my armour back on. I walked back into camp, so many men were already drunk. The fire in the middle of the camp the fire burnt high, I could feel its warmth through my mask. As I walked to my tent I noticed the skin at the front had been disturbed, I carefully and quietly grabbed my sword and walked in. The figure had his back to me, I leapt onto his back and pushed him onto the ground.

I turned him over to face me, I held my blade to his throat. "Ragnar?" I turned my head to the side. I put my blade down immediately.

"I can see why you are feared. If I didn't know it was you Freya I would be terrified," he said. I helped him to sit up.

"What are you doing here?" I asked sliding the mask from my face and placed it down.

"I wish I could have congratulated you on your victory, but it is news of Uhtred I bring," he said.

"Go on," I urged him.

"King Alfred sent me to the North to find you first, he knows of your inseparable bond. He wants us to retrieve Uhtred from his enslavement," he said.

"Enslavement?" I asked.

"The King of Cumberland sent Uhtred to be sold as a slave on board of a ferry," he replied. "Freya, he needs the help of The Undead Horseman of the North."

"He shall have it," I answered.

"Pack your things, we leave now," Ragnar said. I put my mask back on, packed up furs and supplies and saddled up my Friesian stallion. Ragnar and I rode out of the back of the camp, we rode as fast and hard as we could, it would take us a couple of days till we would reach the shores of Cumberland. We stopped over one night, there was still a winters chill in the air. "Do you now regret leaving him?"

"Yes," I said looking down. "But the circumstances were different Ragnar, my men needed me."

"They should have merged with Uhtreds when they had the chance," he said.

"They're stubborn, but they seem to like being led by a legend," I said.

"No, Freya they like the glory that comes with being under your command. They know that stories will be told about them, that's why." He said looking over at me.

"Maybe when we rescue Uhtred things may change," I said.

"Maybe," he said rolling over and falling asleep. I stayed up and kept watch, I rarely slept anymore. I watched as dawn rose, and the sun warmed me with its rays. I had already packed and tacked up my horse I just waited for Ragnar to wake up. He yawned as he opened his eyes and looked at me. "Did you sleep at all?" he asked.

"No," I said and pulled myself onto my horse. After the fire was put out we were on our way. Finally, after a long ride, we reached the land of Cumberland, we rode straight to the beach. "You're sure this is the beach that the ferry will return to?"

"Yes, the King told me himself," he said.

"I hope you're right," I said dismounting my horse and led him to the tree line. Ragnar followed, we would be out of sight here.

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