Chapter 12

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"Ummm, I uummm, I need to get a bandage." I said awkwardly and got up.

I walked out the door without another word. I went to a supply closet and got a bandage. I taped it on my leg. It looked weird, but who cares.
I was finished and I decided that I want to go out for a walk. I grabbed my coat and headed for the door.

"Wait, Jen." Krystal shouted hurrying to catch up with me.

"Hey, Krys." I said.

"Where are you going? I want to go too." She said. I grinned. I looked closer at Krystal, she was all red.

"I want to walk into the forest again. And why are you so red??" I asked. We walked out the door and the maiden locked it.

"Ohh," she said quietly, "We kissed." I grinned. I felt good for them.

There was a long silent in the air,

"Why do you guys seem so pretty?? So flawless and happy??"

"Us???? What do you mean???"

"I mean, you and Kai seem like a prefect couple, never seem to argue or get mad at each other. I've been jealous the first time I saw you guys. So close to each other like that was nothing in the world that could separate you two apart." I said. A few leaves were falling from trees all around us. I breathed in the cold, fresh air.

"Jealous???" Krystal said, "How?? You have a great girl like Lisa and how can it be?? You guys seem like a prefect couple too."

I snorted a little.

Prefect??? Nowhere near prefect couple and of course Krystal would say it is easy, she was beautiful. Her beautiful and curly orange hair were lose and free and those cute freckles that dotted her nose. And she was free to love whomever she love;, she was never forced to marry someone like I had to.

"You do look prefect with Lisa." I looked away. I didn't want to say anything, but I forced it out.

"But we're not going to be together like you guys are." I whispered.

"What?! You have feelings for Lisa? Right??"

I shrugged.

"Well, you can at least pretend to like her and trust me; you're going to like her afterwards." She said.

I shrugged,

"I can't do that, my heart just doesn't - I mean, my heart just can't do that for me."
Krystal raised her eyebrow, "Force yourself, try and you will like her one day."

I shrugged.

"Come on and she is really sweet, she got you a ring!" Krystal said. I thought nobody notice the ring, but Krystal did.

"I guess." I said and frowned.

"And it's really beautiful, you're lucky!" She said and picked my hand and examined it.
"WOW! The rocks are big!" She whispered, "You really should be glad you have a girl like her."



I rolled my eyes. Obviously, everyone knows it's me because she was staring at me.

I got into the ballroom dancing frame.
"Arms higher!" Bex shouted in my ear, while slapping my left arm. I tried not to whimper from her hard slap.

"Feet together!" Bex shouted again. I swear I'm going to go deaf.
"Stand straighter!" She said and poked my back. That is something that hugged the hell out of me.
I got out of position and crossed my arms.

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