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“Jennie wake up! Today’s the big day and we can’t have you sleeping in!”

Groggily, Jennie pushed back the covers over her head to see Sunny,Valerie,Vicky and Beth, sitting on the bed, smiling brightly down at her.

Although, Jennie was incredibly tired, she was just as excited, if not more, for today. Today was what this whole adventure was about.

That was all Jennie could think about, as the four rushed her into the bathroom, drawing a bath filled with scented lavender soap, little ice bath crystals, and rose petals while she brushed her teeth. Amusement coated her face, as she stared at the two busy bodies, hastily trying to perfect everything.

“Okay, you’ll take a bath, and then come out for the makeup and hair. You’re robe is up there on the rack, and all the soaps and salts are in this cabinet if you need any more. Now relax, and leave the rest to us,” Valerie beamed, while Sunny nodded enthusiastically. They made their quick exit, leaving Jennie to collect her thoughts in the incredibly scented bathroom.

Removing her pajamas, Jennie sank into the tub slowly, watching the water part around her and surround her again as she submerged herself further. Taking a deep breath, Jennie’s mind swirled around the chaos coming from outside. Even with the sturdy walls, she could hear every note, every command that Mrs. Manoban, shouted around. Once again, exhaling air, Jennie closed her eyes and willed herself to enjoy this while she could, because she knew this was only going to get much more chaotic.


‘Mrs. Jennie and Mrs. Lisa Manoban,’

Jennie thought, smiling at how perfect it sounded in her mind.

Her thoughts were brought back when a sharp tug at her eyebrows caused her to yelp in surprise. The makeup artist smiled apologetically, before continuing. All morning, she’d been poked, prodded, turned, stabbed, and tugged at.

“God, if getting married was this cruel, I wouldn’t have done it,” she grumbled as the hairstylist finished up her hair. A mirth of laughter came from her two best friends,Jisoo and Rose who looked quite amused with her punishment.

“Hey, you asked for it,” Jisoo chimed, while studying Jennie’s hair from the back in the mirror.

“Yeah, someone needed to tame that unruly hair!” Rose smirked, causing Jennie to pout and cross her arms.

“My hair is not that unruly,” she murmured half-heartedly, only to receive a chuckle from both of them.

“Hey, stop laughing guys! It’s not that fu-oh!” Jennie’s breath stuck in her throat, as the hairstylist spun her around to face the mirror. Her chocolate locks were curled to perfect, trailing down her back in flawless waves. Her front pieces of hair were pinned up to the sides with glittery diamond barrettes. Glitter was gently sprinkled over her locks, shining brightly against her hair’s dark contour.

“Jen, you look gorgeous!” Both Jisoo and Rose squealed, bouncing up and down in excitement.

All Jennie could do was smile back, too shocked for words.

“Alrighty, let’s get you married!” Vicky chirped, helping Jennie up and giving her the wedding gown.


Grasping tightly to her father’s arm, all she could think about was the nerves in her stomach. They were clenching painfully, like locked up birds, trying to spring free.

“Honey, you can do this,” her father’s brown eyes bore into her own, reminding her of all the gifts she’d received.

Running her hands lightly over her gown, she reminded herself how ready she was.

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⏰ Last updated: May 09, 2020 ⏰

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