Chapter 27

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"Lisa?" I asked, scratching my head, "Morning?"

She looked from me to  Kai and back.

"What are you guys doing here?"
I blushed, "Trying to . . . cook some omelet to eat . . . But I guess I will stick with the granola bars." I said.

I grabbed the granola bars and existed the kitchen.

Why didn't I just eat the granola bars in the very first place???!!

I handed one of the granola bars to Kai.

"Lisa, do you want one?" I asked, turning around.

She scoffed and turned her heels and said "No."

I frowned, "What's up with her?"

Kai shrugged.

"B.P." I said.

"What?! What is that?"

"It stands for BoyPeriod."
Kai snorted, taking a bite of the granola bar.

"Boy Period?"

I srugged.

"Kai did you notice how Lisa have been acting these past 3 days?" I asked Kai, frowning.

Ever since the Night of Engagement, Lisa seemed more distant than before.

She stopped talking to me and she didn't walk into our bedroom once, not even once! She barely even look my way.

I feel like she was avoiding me and that really makes me sad.

Did I do something wrong?

Is it because we are engaged and I still haven't apologize to her about what happened?
Is it because I said something wrong at the Night of Engagement Speech?
Would is because I didn't introduce my parents to her?

"I guess." Kai said, looking at Lisa as she walked out of the living room.

"Did you do something to hrr?" I asked, looking at Kai.

Kai widened his eyes and held up his hand, surrendering.

"WHAT?!" he said, "I didn't do a single time to her."

"Then why is she acting like that?" I frowning, staring at the flat screen TV in the living room.

"When she is acting like that, it means that she is mad." Kai said, looking at me.

"At what?!" I asked.

He shrugged, "You have to ask her yourself."

"What?!" I said, looking at him, "Me?"

"Yeah, bye, I got to go check on Krystal."

He got up and left the living room, leaving me alone.

I sighed, I wished I was like Kai and Krystal. I was jealous of them for being such a happy couple, I sure they haven't even fought once.

I turned my attention back to the movie. I was just watching Twilight Breaking Dawn by myself....

It took me a while to figure out that they were playing my favorite part; when it is Bella's wedding.

I wish my love life was almost like Bella's and Edward's - at least something like it.
Everyone's love life seems perfect . . . except for mine.
I watched as Bella watched down the aisle. She nervously clutched the white flowers in the bouquet.
She slowly walked down the aisle.
The beautiful white dress was so lovely.
The screen changed and it showed her ring. Her ring was full of diamonds, just like the promise ring -

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