Chapter 17

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I stopped walking.

It's true, the school is mostly made of glass and you can see the outside. I see that the school has an outdoor swimming pool, outdoor garden, a soccer field, tennis court, an outdoor café and a big area for outdoor lunch. And the lobby was crowded with students that are rushing past me to go somewhere.

I blinked.

"So . . . ummm . . ." I said, trying to bring back the topic.

"So, do you
want to go out with Lisa?" I asked Jisoo and Rose.

They looked at me and raised their eyebrows.

"Well, a long, long and I mean loooooong time ago, but not anymore. I got over her like two years ago." Jisoo said, blushing.

I giggled.

"Well, Lisa and I actually went out before, like two year ago, a month after Jisoo stopped liking her. You know, we went out for a week and we broke up." Rose said.

I nodded.

"Hey, come here!" Rose said, grabbing my arm.

"This is the announcement center." she said, pointing at a bench.

Jisoo pulled me up on the bench and Rose smiled.

"Attention, everyone!!!!! Excuse me, attention." Jisoo spoke loudly. She pointed to a group of girls who were by the locker, who's skirt were too up and their shirt too tight.

"EXCUSE ME, MISS S. LOOK, DIDN'T I SAY ATTENTION?" Jisoo said, rolling her eyes.

"She is the school slut, the one in the center, fake brown hair and green eyes." Rose whispered at me side,

"Her name is Somi, but everyone call her Miss S. - S for SLUT!!!"

Somi rolled her eyes and "cat - walked" to the forming crowd.

I bit the inside of my cheeks, trying hard not to laugh at how she walks.

"Ok, EVERYONE PLEASE WELCOME Jennie Kim-MANOBAN!!" and everyone started clapping, "She is a new student here and please treat her with love and care!!!"

The boys whistled and the girls grinned.

Good, now I need to make some friends!

And start away from Somi, look at her. She look like she was turn into a wolf any moment and kill
Ruby warned.

I looked at Somi. Yep, she's about to kill. Those eyes looked like they were on fire and her fist was balled up.

What's her problem?
I asked.

Jealous that you are getting all of the boys attention

Ruby said and I could see her rolling her eye.

I rolled my eyes.


"Oh and feel free to hang out with Jen!! Talk to her, introduce yourself, just do your friendly stuff. KK?" Jisoo said. "Ok, dismiss, we're going to be late."  Jisoo said, shooing away everyone and everyone walked away, everyone except Somi.

She stood for minute, looking at me up and down and up and down. She made a disgusted face and walked swayed her butt, walking away.

We bursted into giggles and clutched our stomach, from all of the laughing.

"Oh my God, what is her problem? She looks like she can't walk properly." I said, laughing all over again.

"Oh, she thinks she's all that." Rose said, grinning.

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