Chapter 39

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Breathing hard, Jennie felt on top of the world. Not just because she had fully mated with the most amazing woman on the planet, but also because she was now fully her and she was fully hers.

“Nini,”  Lisa growled possessively, snuggling into her side.

Jennie kissed her chest lightly, snuggling up to her as well.

“Lisa?” she asked.

“Yeah baby?”

“I love you,” she whispered.

“I love you too sweetheart,” Lisa whispered back.

Jennie just lay there, the words echoing in her mind. She loved her, her! Of all people! She smiled, as Lisa wrapped her arm around her petite waist, and snuggled into the crook of her neck. She was finally at peace, finally in love.


"Come, this is the last day of the vavcation." Lisa said once we eat breakfast.

"Coming! Coming!" I said, rushing to catch up to Lisa while putting my hair into a high pony - tail.

I jumped into a private helicopter with her.

"Ugh. Do we have to get up this early?" I asked.

"Stop complaining and put this on." she said.

I groaned taking the headphones and put them on.

"It's going to be very loud when we get up there so in order to hear each other we have to put on the headphones." Lisa's voice cames into my headphones.

"Are you ready for take off?" the pilot of the helicopter asked through the headphones.

I buckled my seatbelt and gave her a thumbs - up.

"OK! First stop - to the Manoban's property." she said cheerfully and started the helicopter.

"The Manoban's property?" I asked, looking at Lisa.

"Yeah, an island that belongs to us." Lisa said.

"AN ISLAND?!" I asked, "OF YOU'RE OWN?!"

"Well, it's not just mine." she said, giving me the 'so - what? - it's - just - an - island, - everyone - probably - owns - one' look.

"That's so cool." I said, looking out the window.

"It's not really that cool. It's just a dumb old island that it not really special, except for this one part . . . " she said trailing off.

"Not that cool? I would love to have an island! And what's that special place?" I asked looking at Lisa.

She didn't answer.

"Hello? Is your headphones not working? Hello?" I asked her.

I could see the corners of her lips tugging upwards.

"Tell me! Tell me!" I said, moving next to Lisa, tugging her arms.

"You'll have to see, I can' tell you." she said.

"Of course you can! You just choose not to . Come on, please tell me. I couldn't ask for anything else for the rest of the day!" I said.

"No." she said.

"Fine, but you will have to tell me when we are there. I don't want to miss it." I said.

"Oh you wouldn't miss it. It's big. Very, very big - now all you have to do is look out the window and if you see something usual, that is it." she said, pointing at my side of the window.
I smiled, "Are you sure?"

He nodded.

I eageredly stared out at the window and all I see was cloud.

Oh boy! I see so many usual things here! I thought flatly.

"Just a whole bunch of clouds." I said.

"Just wait for a few more minutes." she said, grinning at me.
I smiled back.

I looked out the window to see what she was tell me to look for, until I saw it.

It was an island.

'Oh wow, biggie! It's an island - get over it.' Is what you might think, but it wasn't just an island, it was a heart - shaped island.

Lisa scotched over next to me and embraced me in her arms, resting her chin on my shoulders.

"It's so beautiful." I said.

"Yeah, this is the island that I want to show to that one person in the world that I truly, deeply, madly fell in love with." she said to me.

I turned my head to look at her. I don't care if I was blushing like crazy, because all I have to see is the honesty in her eyes. And it was there, it was showing.

"Really?" I asked, my voice sounding weak.

She smiled.

"You never showed this any other girl before?" I asked quietly.

"No. Never." she said.

I smiled.

" . . . Baby, do you love me sooooo much?" she asked not looking at me. I don't know; maybe it was becasue the fact that she is trying to hide her blushing or she didn't want to see my expression . . .

I broke into a smile and said, "Yes, I love you. I love you soooo much."

"Then do you love me enough to marry me?"

"I do. I do love you enough to marry you. I love you more than I love anyone on this planet. I love you so much that I can't even image my life right now without you or a day without you." I said.

She reached in her pocket and pulled out a small, red, velvet coated box and opened it, "Will you marry me?"

I placed an arm around her neck and leaned in.

"I think you know the answer. I will." I said and kissed her passionately.

I can't feel or ever think about any other moment in my life when I was this happy. This lucky to have a woman that I've loved by my side.

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