Dream a little Dream of me

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Walking in a bar, side by side with Dean, Grayson held her son's hand as they walk in.
"There." Darcey says once she sees her brother, who disappeared without telling anyone.
"Well, there you are. What are you doing?" Dean asks walking up to him.

"Uh, having a drink." Sam says

"Sammy, it's 2 in the afternoon." Darcey says "Is that whiskey?"

"I-I drink all the time." Sam said

"Um, no, you don't." Dean says
"What is the big deal? You get sloppy in bars, you hit on chicks all the time. So why can't I?" Sam says

Dean looked around,
"It's kind of some slim pickings around here." Dean says Looking back to Sam.
"Sammy, what's going on?" Darcey asks.
She puts Grayson down in one of the chairs.

Sam shook his head before saying,
"I tried, Dean. We both tried." His hand points to Darcey and then to him.

"You tried what?" Dean asks
"To save you." Sam says.
Darcey sighed as she and dean sat down too.
"Could I Ah,get, a whiskey, double, neat." Dean asks a waitress as she walks by.
"Dean, I'm serious." Sam says
"No, you're just drunk." Dean tells him

"I mean, where you're going...what you're going to become." Sam let's out a scoff before he continued. " I can't stop it. And I'm starting to think that maybe even Ruby can't stop it either. But really, the thing is, no one can save you. " Sam says

"That's what I've been telling you two." Dean said
"No, that's not what I meant. I mean, no one can save you because you don't want to be saved." Sam says

Darcey looks down. She hated the Sam was correct. "How can you care so little about yourself. What's wrong with you?" Sam asks
Darcey could read her twin brother like a book. She could do it better than anyone could, Sam could too, but not as good.
So when Sam says this, she thinks hard, she knew what Dean thought about the deal, weather he said is it not so many words, but she knew.
She knew what Dean thought about many things, but she didn't know what he thought about himself.
Her inner thoughts are thrown of Course when a cell phone rings.

Dean is quick to answer, putting the flip phone to his ear.
"Hello?" Dean says "uh, yes, this is Mr. Sniderson."

Sam and Darcey listen in closely
"What?" Dean asks, "where?"

"What is is?" Darcey asks
Without an response, They made it to to Impala.


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