Jus in Bello

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Darcey was able to visit and see Grayson before they went after Bela. It was a short but sweet visit. She hugged Bobby as well before they left.

Now, With her gun raised, Darcey swiftly rushed in, she looked around the room, in the draws and on the other side of the closet Sam was looking though.

"Is there any sign of it?" Dean asks as he looks.
"No." Darcey says.
"Nothing." Says Sam.
"Are we sure this is Bela's room?" He asks
Dean turned around and held out two wigs.
"I'd say so." He says
from the bed, a phone rings.
The Winchester share a look, Dean walks over to the phone, Sam and Darcey shake their heads.
Dean picks it up and puts it to his ear.
"Where are you?" He asks Bela.

Through Dean's one way conversation, Darcey jumps when the door is suddenly kicked down.
"Hands in the air! Down on your knees." And officer says
The Winchester comply.
Being rudely thrown to the ground and on her stomach, Darcey listens to the officer as he tells them their rights.

"Hi guys. It's been a while." A man says, Darcey hasn't been arrested like the brothers have been that one time, so she didn't know who he was.


With chains around her wrist and ankles, Darcey and her brothers shuffled into the police department.
When they stopped, everyone was staring at them. Darcey was in between the brothers and she did her best to hide her scared looking face. Her nerves were on fire, quite literally. Her skin burned and her hands shook.
"What's with all the sourpusses?" Dean asks looking at the officers.

The officers then stated to drag them to the cells.
"Watch the merchandise." Dean says as they are pulled away.

"We're not the once who you should be scared or, Nancy." Dean says over to the girl at a desk.
Sam walks over to the cell bars and Dean walks over to the other side of the cell, the chain expands and tightens up once they were far enough from each other, each brother falls and Darcey catches her self with the bed beside her.
"Uhh!" Dean exclaims.
"Come on, Dean. Really." Sam says

"Okay, look. Sit?" Dean says hovering over the bed.
Darcey makes her way slowly over to the bed and sits beside Dean, Sam then Comes over and sits beside her other side.

"How are we going to Houdini ourselves out of this one?" Dean asks

"Great question, Dean." Darcey says , her wrist burn as she moved the chains
"Hey, stop doing that it will make it worse." Dean says moving his sisters hands.
She let out a long sigh of annoyance, her mind running and her heart skipping faster then it probably should.
Soon, the officer comes up to their cell.

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