Are you there, God? Its Me, Dean Winchester

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Are you there, Castiel? It's Me, Darcey Winchester


At Bobby's, Darcey sat in the living room. A book on her lap, Spencer sat beside her and Grayson sat below her on the floor.
Bobby sat at the desk. The brother, argue.

"Oh, tell me what if could've been." Sam says sitting at the other desk. Dean stands beside him, hands on his hip.
"Well, all I know is I was not groped by an angel." Dean says

Darcey rolls her eyes, Grayson looks up to her, "keep reading." She tells him quietly.
Spencer looks over to Darcey, he could tell she was tired.
"Why do you think this Castiel would lie to you about it then?" Sam asks

"I don't know, maybe he's some kind of demon. Demons lie." Dean said
Bobby looks up and looks over to Darcey.

"A demon who's immune to salt rounds? And devils' traps?" Sam resorts "And Ruby's knife? Dean, Lilith is scared of that thing."

"Don't you think that if angels were real, some hunter somewhere would've seen one, at some point, like, ever?" Dean asks

"Yeah, you just did, Dean." Sam tells him.

"I'm trying to come up with a theory, okay? D? Want to chime in at some point?" Dean asks over to Darcey.

"Dean, we have a theory." Sam says before Darcey could say anything.

"Uh, yeah, one with a little less Faroe dust, please." Dean said clearly Aggravated.

"I'm not saying that we know for sure, I'm just saying that I think—"
Dean interrupts Sam, "okay, that's the point. We don't know for sure. So I'm not going to believe this thing is an angel of the Lord because it says so." He said.

Like a light bulb flicking on in her head, Darcey remembers one of her dreams, "i am an angel of the Lord." The man in the trench coat says.

Darcey stands up, her book falls out of her lap. The brothers look over to her, the whole room has eyes on her, curious to what she was thinking.

"What is it?" Dean asks her
"Uh...nothing." She stutters and quickly walks out of the room.

"Okay, you two chuckleheads want to keep arguing about religion..or do you want to come take a look at this? Bobby says from his desk. "Spencer, go get Darcey?"
Spencer nodded. Dean watches the boy as he leaves the room.

Outside, it takes a while for Spencer to find Darcey. He is only able to spot her because he catches a flame flying past him.
Walking closer, he sees her sitting against an old car. Not saying anything yet, Spencer sits beside her.

"They sent you after me?"'she says. Her hands now playing with the dirt below her.
"Uh, Bobby did. Do they always fight like that?" He asks

Darcey smiled, "that? That was noting. That was barely a fight." She tells him, she knows how verbal and physical the boys can get when they are fighting about something, she was always the peacemaker, when they listened to her that is.

"So...." Spencer says, his awkwardness stopping him from coming up with something to say.

"The Castiel their talking about, the angel, I've seen him before." She admits.

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