In the Beginning

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Dean slept

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Dean slept. He slept on his back. His arm over his stomach.  Darcey sat on one of the chairs the darkness in the room hid her well enough that Sam couldn't tell if she was asleep or awake or not.
But she was awake.
She watched as he looked over to Dean and walked out the door.

She let out a sigh, when she notices Dean twitching in his sleep, she looks up when she sees Castiel standing over Dean's bed, Dean now awake.
"Hello, Dean. Hello, Darcey." He says, his usual deep raspy voice and his trench coat. Dean looked over to Darcey and noticed how she sat in the chair, her knees pulled up close to herself.

"What were you dreaming about?" Castiel asks
"Oh, what, you get your freak on by watching other people sleep?" Dean asks annoyed "What do you want? Where's Sam?"
"Listen to me. You have to stop it." The angel says to both Dean and Darcey, she gets up from the chair and walks over to the other bed.
"Stop what?" The twins asks in unison.
Suddenly, Darcey feels her eyes close.


"Move it." A voice says.
The twins jump awake, a cop holds the collar of Dean's shirt. "You guys can't sleep here." He says
"All right." Dean says
"Sleep where?" Darcey asked confused
"Uh, anywhere but here." The cops tells them. He walks away.
Darcey sits up from the ground, Dean sits up right on a bench. The twins share a look.
Dean dug our his phone from his jacket pocket and Darcey did the same.
"I'm not getting a signal." She says and closes her phone.
"Yeah, me neither. Perfect." He says.
"Come on." He says lifting Darcey up.
The cross the street and head into a diner.
They pick a seat at the bar, beside the only other guy sitting there.
"Uh, hey, where the hell am I?" Dean asks him.
The guy turns the them. "Jaybird's Diner." He says, he sent a wink to Darcey before turning away.
"Um, yeah, thanks. I meant city and state." Dean clarifies.
The guy turned to them again. "Lawrence, Kansas." He says
"Lawrence." Dean says looking over to Darcey.
"Hey, are you two okay?" The guy asks

"Yeah. Tough night." Dean tells him.
"Really tough night." Darcey expresses.
"Oh, hey, two coffees here, Reg." The guy calls out.
"All right, coming right up." Reg said.

Dean pulled out his phone again, "could you us where we can get reception on this thing?"
"Uh, the USS Enterprise?" The guy says
Dean looks to Darcey again, she shrugs her shoulders.
Reg then comes with their coffees. He wore a pink paisley shirt and a fur vest. He had big glasses on as well.
"Ah, thanks. Nice threads. You know Sonny and Cher broke up, right?" Dean says taking a sip.
Darcey giggles and takes a sip of her own coffee.
The guy beside them then turns. "Sonny and Cher broke up?" He asks

Just then, Darcey and Dean started to look around, the guys confused face and the whole atmosphere of the diner raised some red flags...
Dean turns to Darcey, "it's 1973." He whispers.
Dropping her jaw a bit, she turns her head like Dean when they hear someone call out their name.
"Hey, Winchester."
Darcey quickly looks the the guy that they've been sitting beside as he turns and greats the man who called.
"You son of a bitch. How you doing, corporal?" They asks
"Hey, Mr.D"
Dean and Darcey turn and listen in on their conversation.
"I heard you were back." Mr. D says
"Yeah, a little while now." He answers
"Well, good to have you back home, John. Damn God." Mr. D tells him.

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