Long-Distance Call

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(Gif's I used throughout the story Are from Google, all rights to the creators/owners. ) ( a bit of an mature episode.. nothing graphic...just regular supernatural gore and stuff, talk of suicide. )
(I hope the episode made sense....

Almost done season three, don't worry, we will definitely meet Spencer soon. ! And older Grayson !



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Darcey sat beside Dean on the bench, She had her arms wraps around her son's shoulder's as she watched him eat the rest of his hotdog.
When Sam came back, Dean stood up and thew a Soda can at him.
"So?" He asks as he stuffs the rest of his own hotdog.
"Uh, so, the professor doesn't know crap." Sam tells him.

"Wow, shocking. Pack your panties, Sammy. We're hitting the road." Dean says
Darcey rolls her eyes at her twin.
"Why? What's up?" Sam asks

"Oh, that was Bobby. Some banker guy blew his head off in Ohio.."  dean explains. "He thinks there's a spirit involved."

"So you two were talking a case?" Sam asked

"Oh, no. We were Uh, we were talking about our feeling. And then our favorite boy bands. Yes, we were talking a case." Dean says
"Spirit—? What?" Sam asked confused still.
"A banker was complaining about some electrical problems at his pad for like a week. Phones going haywire. Computers flipping in and off. Eh?" Dean says

"Uh-Huh." Sam says
"What? This not ringing your bell?" Dean asked

"Sure, but, we're on a case." Sam says
"Uh, who's?"

"Um, yours?" Darcey says

"Oh. Right, yeah. Well, you could've fooled me." Dean says And turns away.
"I mean, what the hell else have we've been doing lately..other than trying to break the deal?" Sam asks

"Chasing our tails, that's what." Dean said
"Guys, we've talked to every professor, witch, soothsayer...and two-bit carny act in the Lowe 48. No one knows squat. And we can't fine Bela. We can't find the Colt. So until we actually find something, I would like to do my job." Dean says

"Well, there's one thing we haven't tried." Sam says
Darcey starts to stand up. Her leg still in bits of pain.
"No. Sam." Dean says
"We should try and summon Ruby."
"I'm not going to have this fight—" Dean says
"She said she knows how to save you." Sam argues. Grayson sits still at the bench, waiting for when his mother calls him over so they can leave.
"Yeah, well, she can't." Dean says

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