Lazarus rising

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(A few weeks before Dean comes back)


Sam left her. He left her after he promised he wouldn't.
She kept telling them she didn't want to lose brothers, but it ended up happening any way.
Her heart was broken. Shattered.
She ended up staying with Bobby. Her and Grayson.
Darcey Winchester become a shell of a person. She never left Bobby's home, she stopped hunting, she didn't have the motivation for it. She did help Bobby with some research from time to time, but that was it, that was all.
Her mind was on a loop.
The night they come home, Darcey held her crying son as she told him that he wouldn't see his uncle.
But she told him not to worry because he still had another, but she was wrong.


Darcey's day's included staying in bed until a unhealthy hour, barely eating, barley talking, and worst of all, barely keeping a full conversation with her son.
She felt guilty, of course, but there was this weight on her shoulder that held her down.
Her day also included either having Bobby try to talk to her, or having Grayson try and talk to her.
But nothing worked. She felt all alone.
She had no idea where Sam was, what he was doing, if he was even alive.
She didn't know if she was the last Winchester on earth.

Today had started different, however. When she woke up, from a nightmare that replayed constantly, she felt the weight a little lighter. This morning, Grayson came in, his mood as happy as a child could be with the life he lives, his talkative self telling her that Bobby had over a friend.
When the boy left, Darcey went over to the washroom and did her business. When she came out, she dressed in black leggings and a blue sweater, topping it off with one of Dean's old jackets she never gave back.

When she was done, and decently happy with her look, she headed down stairs and entered to book filled living room.

"Mornin' Darlin'." Bobby says as he stands by the desk. His usual attire worn.
Not saying anything, she turns her eyes to the new person standing in the distance.
He stood awkwardly as he tapped his fingers on his thighs, a nerves tactics.
He wore dark blue jeans, you could see a few rips hear and there, a blue undershirt, it was plain, no picture or words on the front of it. Over it, a blue flannel jacket rested on his shoulders. 'Maybe he likes blue' Darcey says in her mind.
"Darcey, this here is Spencer. He's a friend of mines kid. He's going to be staying with us for a bit. Spencer, this is Darcey Winchester."

"Ah, nice to meet you." He says. His voice was kind, it reminded her of Sam's.
"You too." Darcey says. She moved over from the living room to the kitchen.

Spencer gives a look over to Bobby. "She's going through some things. She lost her brother a few months ago." Bobby tells him.
Spencer nods, a mutual feeling of loss.
"Um, well, let's get started." Bobby says with a clap.
"Grayson?" Bobby calls out. The eleven year old pops up from behind a pile of books, a big one in his hands.
"Yeah?" He says.

The old hunter shakes his head. "Go make sure your mother eats something." He tells the young one.

The boy nods and puts the book down and heads over to the kitchen, he sees his mom sitting at the table eating a pice of leftover pie.
The mother looks up when she sees her son.
"Checking on me again?" Darcey says as she puts the fork in her mouth. She then puts it down on the plate and picks it up.
She walks it over to the counter and puts it in the sink.
"Yeah...uncle Bobby told me to." Grayson says honestly.
Darcey shakes her head.
"Well, you can't go tell Bobby I'm fine." She says, her voice comes out harsher than she intended.
Grayson gives a small nod. He goes to leave but turned around.
"I miss him too, momma." He says. He then turned fully away and walked out of the kitchen.
Darcey let out a sigh.

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