Lazarus Rising part 2

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By morning, they have finally made it to Bobby's psychic friend.
The Winchester's stand back awkwardly as Bobby and the lady embrace each other.
The lady stands with her arms crossed over her chest. "So are these the Winchester's?" She asks looking at the three.
"Darcey, Dean, Sam, Pamela Barns. Best damn psychic in the state." Bobby introduced.
"Hello." They three manage to say together.
"Mm. Dean Winchester. Out of the fire and back into the frying pan, huh?" Pamala says "that makes you a rare individual. "

"Uh, if you say so." Dean said.
"Well, come on in."
The Winchester's and Bobby enter the house.
"So you hear anything?" Bobby asks

"Uh, well, I Quija'd my way though a dozen spirits. No one seems to know who broke your boy out or why. She says closing the door.
"Then what next?" Bobby asked

"I think, a séance. See if we can see who did the deed."

"Your not going to summon the damn thing here?" Bobby says

"Uh, no. I just want to get a sneak peek at it. Like a crystal ball without. The crystal." Pamala says
"Well, I'm game." Dean said following after her. Darcey follows close behind.
Darcey stood beside Dean and watched as Pamela threw down a black table cloth down. Bobby closed the blinds so it was Dark.
Pamala went over to a cabinet and bent down, revealing a lower back tattoo that read "Jesse forever"
Dean nudged Sam and Darcey.
"So, who's Jesse?" Dean bluntly asks
Darcey hits his shoulder, to which Dean rolls his eyes.
Pamala laughs, "well, it wasn't forever, I can tell you that."

"Oh, his loss." Dean tells her. Pamala walks up close to Dean. "Might be your gain." She says in a flitting tone and sends the Winchester a smile.
Darcey turns around with her brother.
"I'm so in." He says happily.
"Man, she's going to eat you alive." Sam says
"Good luck with that." Darcey says
"I just got out of jail. Bring it."  Dean said
Sam lets out a laugh.
"You're incited too, grumpy" Pamala says walking by, sending a wink Sam's way.

Darcey let out a small gag. "Okay, now I'm done." She says turning around.
"You are not invited." Dean says quickly to Sam.

Once the séance was all set up, the Winchester's sat at the table, Bobby and Pamala as well.
"Okay. Take each other's hands." She instructed.
Grabbing Dean's hand, Darcey rests her arm over the table as her other hand grabs Sam's as she sat in the middle of them.

"And, uh, I need to touch something out mystery monster touched." Pamala said

"Whoa" Dean says jumping back.
" he didn't touch me there." He tells her.

Pamala laughed, "my mistake." She says

Dean then cleared his throat at shrugged of his flannel shirt then lifted the sleeve, reviling the red handprint on his shoulder.
Sam gives Darcey a look of surprise as he looks back and forth from Dean's arm to her, he hasn't seen that yet.

"All right." Pamala says
Everyone grabs each others hands again and everyone's eyes close, 
and the psychic begins her chant,
"I invoke, conjure and command appear unto me before this circle." She repeats a few times, Darcey opens one of her eyes, she sees that Dean has done the same, the tv in the back flickers on and shows static. The table starts to shake, "Castiel?" Pamala calls out

"Uh, no. Sorry, Castiel, I don't scare easy." Pamala said
"Castiel?" Dean asks

"It's name. It's whispering to me, warning me to turn back." She says "I conjure and command you, show me your face." Pamala repeats and the table shakes more, Darcey tightens her hold on her brother's hand.
"Maybe we should stop." Bobby said

Embrace the pain // BOoK 2 Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang