In the Beginning part 2

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Dean and Darcey slowly walked over into the living room, Mary was sat at a chair going though records.
She looked up when they walked in.
"Well, we're shoving off." Dean says "just wanted to say bye."

"Oh, really? So soon?" Mary puts the records down and stands up.
Darcey gave her a closer look, to say that they shared some summaries would be a lie.
Despite Darcey having light-brown hair, the wave and slight curl was there, the same.
Darcey also noticed they shared the same nose shape.
"Yeah, well, we got a job to do." Darcey says.

Mary smiles.
"Uh, hey, I wanted to tell you...for what it's doesn't matter what your dad thinks, I like that John kid." Dean says.
Though a weird sentence, Darcey nods in a agreement. She thought back to the John he would become, the hunter he would become, Darcey couldn't think of her father any other way other than the one she grew up with.

Mary laughed, "you do?" She asked

"Yeah. I think that you two are meant to be." Dean tells her.
"Hell, we're depending on it." Dean whispers.
Darcey flicks his shoulder at his slip up, "what?" Mary asked
"Oh, nothing." Dean said quietly.
"Can I ask a question? What's he like? John, I mean."

"Why do you ask?"

"Just curious." The twins say, Darcey now intrigued with the question and pining answer.

Mary lets out a nervous giggle, "I don't know. He's sweet. Kind. Even after the war, after everything...he still believes in a happily-ever-after, you know? He's everything a hunter isn't.
No offence." She says

Darcey smiles, "none taken." Dean says.

"Can I tell you two something?" She asked
"Of course." Darcey says.
Happily, Mary says, "he is going to ask me to marry him tomorrow, I think."

"Yeah?" Dean said

"Oh, Dad's gonna explode." She says "but I don't care. I'll run away if I have to . I just... I love John, and.." Mary pauses and looked down, hesitant.
"And what?" Dean pushes.

"I want to get out. This job, this life...I hate it. I want a family. I want to be safe. You know, the worst thing I can think of, the very worst for my children to be raised into this like I was. well, I won't let that happen. "

Darcey looks to the ground, knowing that sadly, it does and there was nothing she could do about it.
"Yeah." Dean says, he looks down to the ground too.

"Hey, are you okay?" Mary asks
"Oh, yeah. No, I'm fine. Hey, Mary.. can I tell you something?" Dean asks


"I mean, even if this sounds really weird...will you promise me that you will remember? "

"All right.."

"On November 2ed, 1983...don't get out of bed. No matter what you hear, what you see...promise me you won't get out of bed." Dean says, Darcey could tell he was holding back a cry, she was too.

"Okay.." Mary says
As Dean turns to leave, Darcey thinks, and before she could even stop herself, she moved over and gave Mary a hug.
Mary hesitates before hugging her back, with one small squeeze, Darcey let's go, despite wanting to stay longer.
She smiled at Mary and followed Dean out, leaving a confused Mary standing alone in her living room.

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