The Rapture

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Darcey, Dean, and Sam walked in the dark. They each held a flashlight.
She made sure to be careful as she walked.
She didn't know half of what was going on.
All she knew, was the when Dean woke her up, all he said that Cass visited him in his dream.
She let out a yawn. She still hasn't been sleeping properly. Weather it was the looming Apocalypse, or just regular stress she didn't know.
As a child, her nightmares would keep her up. She would wake up in a cold sweat and out of breath. It would take Dean and Sam to calm her down, or her father when he was there.

As a teen, still, it was the monsters that they kill kept her up at night and woke her up in the middle of it.

Now, it was the forever paranoia that someone was going to snatch her up at any second and take her away from her brothers again that kept her dreamland bare.

"So, what did he say, Dean? What was so important?" Sam asks.
The underground place they were in was messing with her senses, different smells she couldn't pin point and small random puddles that linger the ground she walked made her shoes wet and mushy.

"Well, if I knew, should I be here?" Dean says

The three came up to a bunch of broken parts, scattered all over where they were going.

"What the hell?" Dean asks looking around the wreckage.

"Huh, it looks like a bomb went off." Sam says
Darcey jumped when some lighted flickered and made a noise.
"There was a fight here." Dean said stating the obvious.

"Between who is the real question." Darcey says

Hey, check it out." Dean says
Sam and Darcey turn around, their flashlight shine a painted symbol high on the wall.

"That look familiar?" Dean asks
"Yep." Darcey says

"It does."
Anna used something like that to wish the angels back to the cornfield."Dean said.

Darcey nods, she thought of the red headed Angel.
"What? Cass was fighting angels?" Sam asks

"I don't know." Dean says

Darcey looked around, she sees the familiar blue tie in the darkness.

"Dean." Darcey says and walks over to the angel.

"Cass?" Dean asks, he nudged his shoulder and Castiel gasped awake.

"What—? What's going on?" He asks confused as he looked around his surroundings.
"Just take it easy." Sam tells him.

Castiel gets up. "Uh, Castiel. I'm not Castiel. It me."

"Who's "me"?" Sam asks

"Jimmy. My name's Jimmy." They say

"Where's Cass?" Darcey asks

"He's gone."


The Winchester's sat in front of Jimmy. As He scarfed down the burger.
"Hey, slow down. Your going to give me angina." Dean tells him.

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