Mystery Spot part 2

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Her eyes shot open, her mouth let out a short gasp. Sitting up, she looks over Sam's shoulder and sees Dean, on the bed, tying his shoes, "heat of the moment" plays on the radio.

In the diner, Sam explains like he did the last time, Darcey cry's, Dean grabs her hand over the table.
"I still think your nuts, but whatever this is, we will figure it okay." He tells them, a hand squeeze calms Darcey down, only a little.
"Thanks." Sam says, almost in a worse state than Darcey is.
Still holding her hand though, Dean asks
"So, uh.... if you two are stuck in Groundhog Day, why? What's behind it?"

"Well, first we thought it was the Mystery Spot.  But now we're not so sure." Sam said
"So, what do we do?" Dean asked

"Uh, we keep you breathing, try and make it till tomorrow." Sam says unsurely.
"That's the only thing I can think of right now."

"Well, that shouldn't be too hard." Dean says
Sam laughs, "okay, yeah. We've watched you. Did a few times now and Darcey or I can't seem to stop it." Sam tells him.

"Well, morning is set in stone. You said I ordered the same thing everyday, right?" Dean asks

"Yeah. Pig in a poke, side of bacon." Sam answered.
Dean nodded and looked over to the waitress and got her attention.
"Could I get a side of sausage instead of bacon?" He asks

"Sure thing, hon."

Dean looks back to his siblings, "see, it's a different day already. See, if we decide that I'm not going to die.. I'm not going to die." Dean says.

The waitress comes over with Dean's meal, he takes a pice of the sausage, he then suddenly started making gagging and choking sounds, he put his hands on his throat.
"Dean?" Darcey asks looking at her brother.

Darcey screams wake.


"You mean we can't even go out for breakfast?" Dean asks from the shower.

Holding her shoulders, to try and calm her down, Sam turns to the bathroom door and answers " you'll thank us when it's Wednesday." He says

"D, it will be fine—" Sam and his sister turn when they hear Dean slip and fall.

Darcey and Sam gasp awake.


At the table, Darcey sits by Sam as she doesn't eat anything, her mood prevented her appetite.

"Hey, do these tacos taste funny to you?" Dean asks

Sam and Darcey wake up again.


Darcey stands by as Sam smashes the Mystery Spot wall with and axe.
She looks to Dean who is bent down next to the owner, tied to the chair by tape.
"Huh. Everything's fine. Nobody's going to get hurt, okay?" Dean tells him, the guy shakes in his chair.

"Hey, Sammy? Maybe you should drop the axe and let this guy go. What do you say?" Dean asks
"No. Something has to be going on here.. I intend to find out what." Sam says

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