Dream a little dream of me part 2

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( the song above has the same name as the shows episode! It's a beautiful song!)


Staying with Dean, Darcey and him looked around the kitchen.
"Bobby?" Darcey calls out quietly.

Softly in the distance, they heard a voice.
"Who's out there?" It asked.
Walking up to the door they heard it from, Dean asks, "Bobby, you in there?"
"Dean?" Bobby asks
"Yeah. It's us. Open up." Dean said

Bobby then opens the door, his face held a three scratch marks on his cheek.
"How in the hell did you fine me?" Bobby asks, his eyes looking around and his voice wavered.
"We got our hands on some of that Dream Root stuff." Darcey tells him.
"What? Dream Root?" Bobby asks clearly never have heard of it before
"Uh, Dr. Gregg, the experiments?" Dean says

"What in the hell are you guys talking about?" Bobby asks
When the light suffer flickers, Bobby turns "hurry." Dean is quick to grab his sisters arm and follow Bobby."whoa, what's going on?" Dean asks holding his sister and bobby.
"She's coming." Bobby says

"All right, you know this is a dream, don't you?" Dean asked

"Are you crazy?" Bobby asks
"It's a dream, this isn't real." Dean tells him.
"Does that look made up to you?" Bobby says as he points over Dean's shoulder.
The twins turn around to see a lady in a white dress coming to them.
Bobby goes for the door but if suddenly closes shut.

"Uh, Bobby, who is that?" Dean asks

"She—she's my wife." Bobby tells them.


Grayson paced in between the beds, the little boy bit his finger nails as his uncles and mother slept on the beds.

Taking a clam breath, the boy sighed and sat down in one of the chairs and tried to stay calm.


"Why, Bobby. Why did you do this to me?" Bobby's wife says

"I would rather die than hurt you." Bobby tells her.
"But you did hurt me. You shoved that knife into me. Again and again. You watched me bleed. You watched me die."

Going up to Bobby, Dean put his hands on his shoulder. "She's not real." Dean tells him.
"How could you do that? "

"You were possessed, baby. You were rabid.- and I didn't know what I know now. I didn't know how to save you." Bobby says, his voice soft.
"You're lying. You wanted me to die. If you loved me, you would've found a way." She yells
Dean and Darcey pull Bobby away.
"I'm sorry." Bobby whimpers out.
Dean quickly closed the door before she could follow.

"We're telling you, all of it. Your house, your wife, it's a nightmare." Dean tries to tell Bobby as he holds the door shut.

"I—I killed her." Bobby cry's
"Bobby! This is your dream that you can wake up. I mean, hell, you can do anything." Dean says

"Just leave me alone. Let her kill me." Bobby says
Dean then goes up and grabs onto Bobby's chest. "Look, you snap out of this now. You have to snap out of this." Dean yells
"You're not going to die. We're not going to let you die. You're like a father to me, to us. You just have to believe me, please." Dean says
"I—I'm dreaming?" Bobby asks
"Yes. Now take control of it" Darcey says

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