Mystery Spot

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Darcey watched as Sam gasped awake.
Since she was used to sharing a bed with Dean, she was used to his early wake ups.
She sat at the table and shakes her head at her brother who's tying his shoes on the bed.
"Ride and shine, Sammy."

"Dude, Asia?" Sam asks
"Don't even get me started." Darcey says to her brother.
"Oh, come on, you both love this song, and you know it." Dean says

"Okay. And if I ever hear it again, I'm going to mill myself." Sam says

Dean reaches over and turns the music up.
"Um, what? Sorry. I can't hear you." Dean says
Darcey lets out a giggle as her brother starts Dancing.

In the washroom, the three stand together as they brush their teeth.
Sam looks disgustingly at the twins as they both gargle the water in their mouths before in spitting it into the sink at the same time.

Darcey and Sam waited at the door as the watched dean walk around the room.
"Uh, whenever you're ready, Dean." Sam says

Dean suddenly pulled out a purple bra,
"This one of yours?" Dean asks
"Definitely not mine." Darcey says, knowing that no way would she ever be able to fit in that.
Dean let out a laugh and an "aha" when he found what he was looking for.
"Bingo." He says holding up his gun. He then put it away and made for the door.

"Who's ready for some breakfast?" He asks


Walking into the diner, a bell chimes as the door opens.

Sitting beside Dean in one of the booths, he looks over to the signs.
"Oh, hey, Tuesday. Pig in a poke." He says
"Do you even know that this is?" Sam asks

A waitress then walks up to their table, a notepad and a pen in her hands.
"Are you guys ready?" She asks

"An, yes. I'll have the special, bacon and coffee." Dean tells her.
"Make that two coffees. And a short stack." Sam says
"And one more coffee and I'll have the special as well." Darcey says with a friendly smile.
"You got it." The waitress says and walks away.

"All right. I'm telling you guys, this job is a small fry." Dean says "we should be spending out time hunting down Bela."

"Okay, sure, let's get on that. Where is she again?" Sam asks sarcastically.
"Oh, shut up." Dean said

"Look, we want to find her as bad as you do. But in the meantime, we have this." Sam said as he pulled out papers from his jacket pocket.

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