No rest for the wicked

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Sam and Darcey walked into the room. Dean sits at the desk, the top cover in books.
"You find anything good?" Sam asks
Dean shakes his head. Darcey notices his movements, the slight distraught look on his face.
"No." He says clearing his throat. "Nothing good.."

"Oh, well, Bobby has, finally." Sam says slightly happily.

"He has?"

"Yep. A way to find Lilith." Darcey says.
"Huh, wow. And with just, uh, 30 hours to go." Dean says
Darcey looks down to the ground.
"Hey." Dean says, the girl looks back up at her brother.
"Why don't we just make a TJ run, you know? Some señoritas, cervezas. Uh, we could—what's ah, what's Spanish for "donkey show?" Dean says

"Seubertia?" Darcey says, her Spanish skills showing.
Sam chuckles. "Uh, so if we do save you, let's never do that." He says
"Yeah." Dean says.
Sam then suddenly goes to sit down on the other chair. Darcey follows and sits on the other side of of Dean.
He grabbed her hand. "Hey, um, Dean, we're ah, cutting it close, I know. But we are going to get this done. I don't care what it takes, Dean. Your not going to hell. I'm not going to let you." Sam tells him. "I swear. Everything is going to be okay."

"Me neither. There going to have to go through me first." Darcey says.
Dean sends her a small smile.
Dean looks to Sam, his face glitches and changes, demon like.
"Uh, yeah. Okay." Dean says, his mind playing tricks on him.


The Winchester's stand over a table. The table had a big map and Bobby places this big supernatural creature finder thing on top.
"Now see, a name. That's the whole kit and caboodle. With the right name, the right ritual, ain't nothing you can't suss out." Bobby explains to them.
Darcey stands with her hands leaning on the edge of the table. She looks over the map.
Lilith could be anywhere. Hopefully Bobby was right and they could actually find her, so they can kill her.
"You mean, like the town Lilith's in " Sam asks
"Boy, when I get done, we'll know the street." Bobby tells him.

Bobby then spun the round thing at the top and started to speak Latin.
The thing stopped when Bobby was finished.
"New Harmony, Indiana." He says "and we have a winner."
"All right. Let's go." Darcy's says and starts to leave. Dean grabs her arm before she could go and further.
"Just hold on." Dean says
"What's the problem?" Sam asks
"Yeah, what's up?" Darcey said
""What's the problem?" Uh, where do I begin? First of all, we don't even know if Lilith actually holds my deal." Dean says

"But—" Darcey starts.
"Demons lie." Dean tells her. "Bela lies. Second, if we get to Lilith, we have no way to gank her. And third, isn't this the same Lilith that wants your head? Or should I continue?" Dean finishes and is looking over to Sam.
Darcey stands with her arms crossed over her chest.
"Well, ain't you bringing down the room?" Bobby asks Dean
"It is a gift." Dean reply's.
"Okay, I'm sorry, what are we supposed to do then?" Sam asks
"Just because I have to die doesn't mean either of you should have to. We go in smart or we don't go in." Dean tells them.

"All right, if that's the case, then I have an answer." Sam says
"Oh, you do?" Dean asks

"Yep. A sure-fire way to confirm that it's Lilith. And a way to get us a bona fide, demon-killing Ginsu." Sam tells him.

Dean shook his head. "No, Sam." He says

"Dean, we are so passed arguing. I'm going to summon Ruby." Sam says.
"Like hell you are, we have enough problems already." Dean yells.

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