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i was wondering
if u'd like to
have lunch or smth?

i'd love too
yuqi, but
i have smth
to do hehehe
let's do it
in another time :))

oh / erase
alright then haha


lucas sighed seeing the girl's message. he had no intention to just leave it on seen yet he did it anyways. he then turned off his phone when he sees a familiar girl walking towards his table.

yeri wore a simple maroon shirt tucked in her skater skirts. she didn't even wear make up but lucas still awed everytime he sees her. yeri sat infront of him, "hi lucas!" she grinned at the latter. "hey." lucas greeted back.

lucas called the waiter to order, after that yeri brought up the reason why she had to talk to him,

"do you remember what i told you last night?" yeri started off cool.

yukhei nodded, "ofcourse! it was memorable." he smiled, reminiscing yeri's words.

yeri bit off her lower lip seeing him so happy about it, "l-lucas, i'm sorry." those words came out of her mouth.

"i really don't think i can answer you sooner. i'm still really confused." she looks away, trying to avoid the latter's confused face.

"there's this guy. and i, i think i like him. i'm not really sure about it." she chuckled, she couldn't believe she was telling lucas about him.

"who is it?" lucas questions. he was already thinking if someone, and he's just proving his suspicion.

yeri gave a smile, "i can't tell you yet."


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