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the mixture of fresh air along with the stars gave yuqi a refreshing feeling. the city lights with people walking around the tall buildings of seoul were fading, it seems like they were fading away from the reality of life.

lucas stopped his car just above the familiar place they always have gone to, the bright stars twinkling above them as they listen to the sound of the blowing wind.

sitting on the car's roof with drinks on their hands, silence prolonged as they get lost in the city's melodies;

"how is it?" yuqi snapped out and came back to reality when lucas suddenly spoke. she looked at him just to see him already staring, she gave a smile, "perfect." she answers, receiving a light pat on her head.

yuqi pursed her lips, she was sincerely happy that she was with lucas at the moment; everything goes away when she's with him. she overthinks more now, but whe she's with him, it all falls into place.

lucas stared at the lass, eyes with full of adoration and love. "hey."


yuqi didn't remove her eyes that was staring at the city lights. her mind in deep state if euphoria. she was at peace for once, and she was with the boy she loves, what could be better than this?

"if i told you that i love you, would you believe me?"

the question struck mixed emotions in yuqi, she knew one day it would reach this far. she bit her lower lip, would she believe him?

lucas' eyes never left the girl, it was now or never, even if he was so afraid he still needed to. he gave a sigh upon the girl taking her time, his head thrown up to look at the stars.

"lucas, if i told you i loved you since the day i met you, would you believe me too?" yuqi asks, anxiousness bottle up inside her as raging emotions add up, her insecurities, her loneliness started to appear.

lucas kept quiet and thought about it, "would i?" he shots back making yuqi chuckle bitterly.

"i'm a girl who had oozing confidence, i rejected someone and made everyone think that it was because he didn't deserve me, i played with two boys just to get back at some girl who was angry at me for being so impulsive and i stole her boyfriend. i liked you and chased you even if you were pursuing someone that i considered a friend.  i am selfish of what i think is the best for me.  i do everything to get what i want, i speak my mind— but i'm also insecure, i overthink a lot and i cover it with my confidence, i was daring, i am daring. i have done so many things that just proves i'm fucked up. now would you believe me if i told you that i love you?"

biting her lip, yuqi couldn't look at him now, everything was so mixed inside her, her mind was pushing it to herself that she doesn't deserve lucas.

meanwhile the boy looked at her, slowly putting on a smile before reaching her hand,

"i would always believe you, that's why i love you, yuqi. you're you, you're real, you know you're flawed, you see the bad in yourself. you are true, and i love you for that." lucas answered, words full of genuine feelings.

"remember the first night you brought me here, baby? you wished for my happiness, even if you wanted me so bad. you could've kissed me there and tell me your feelings, but you didn't, because you wanted me to be happy." yuqi tilted her head to look at the guy who was squeezing her hand.

"you told me about your hopeless nights when you fell for junkyu, how hard it was for you because you thought you weren't enough for him. everyone looked at you and think about how daring you are, but if they had stared longer, they would know how hard for you to build yourself up." yuqi looked away, her thoughts suddenly became silent, it was listening to lucas too,

"and baby, you are more than enough for me, for everything. just do you, you're the perfect you for me, yuqi."

yuqi gave him a stare before leaning on to hug the latter beside her. her mind that was filled with questions got replaced with her poundinhmg heart with a peaceful feeling.

"the city lights looks like shooting stars that fell into a wishing well, and if i am given a chance to wish for one thing now, it would be you. for you to be happy, yuqi."

and at that night, the city lights along with the shining stars and the moon witnessed them, they witnessed lucas and yuqi.


– place ur effin bets

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