Chapter Three

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We pushed the thought of the abandoned place to the back of our minds so we could have a good time shopping- well, most of us anyway. Freddy sat in the passenger seat and held my hand as we followed Uncle in the moving truck. Chica and Foxy rode in the back seat, and Gordon was with my Uncle in the truck.

Upon entering the store, we saw all kinds of matching sets. There was a monocromatic set set made of black, white and different grays. Well, Marty  said he didn't like of course we got glittery rainbow and glitter decals for it.

"(Y/N)!" Chica called to me. I was quick to join her. "Look it's perfect for Bonnie!"

I looked at the dresser and matching bed. It had colorful sparkly unicorns on it.

"Yes. This is the one." I laughed. Needless to say, we bought it. Chica got a pink set, Freddy got a brown and tan set, Gordon got a set with stars on it and Foxy got a red set. I loved how we had our own styles.

Freddy and I held hands all throughout the store, taking our time through the aisles.

"Thanks for taking us, (Y/N)." He smiled such a gorgeous smile.  "

"You're welcome. I had fun.  And it was especially fun picking something for Bonnie and Marty. Look it's 'My Little Unicorn'"

"Oh Bonnie's gonna be mad!" Freddy laughed. "And Marty told us he didn't like color. You guys are so mean!"

"Well they shoulda came with us then." Chica chimed in. "There was plenty of room and there was no reason they couldn't pick their own stuff. Now they're stuck with it, and I'm conveniently "losing" the receipt!"

After picking all the furniture for everyone's rooms, we were outta there, within the hour. I guess everyone knew what they wanted.

"Ok just so everyone knows I'm not going to be in the room when you decide to show those two their furniture." Foxy suddenly stated.

"No? It'll be funny!" I replied.

"Foxy was always like that." Chica elbowed him lightly. "Always one to avoid confrontation."

"I told you, I want my name to be my original name, Felix. Don't you guys remember?" He complained, crossing his arms.

"Yeah but that doesn't make sense..we all kept our animatronic's names. So are we gonna be Freddy, chica, Bonnie and....Felix?" Freddy asked.

"What's the point in calling me Foxy? I'm not a fox!"

The car grew silent for a moment. He did have a point.

"....I'm still calling you foxy." I mumbled.

"Seconded!" Chica shouted.

Foxy slapped his palm to his forehead. "You're the worst friends. "

"You love us." Freddy laughed.


When we finally made it home, we found Marty and Bonnie casually sitting at the dining table with tea. It was obvious that they were talking about that underground place we found, but dropped the subject when we walked in.

"Hey welcome back!" Marty waved at us. I tried hard not to let a snicker escape my mouth as I stared at them, knowing that they had no idea.

"Hey guys." I replied. "Freddy, Foxy  and Gordon are gonna carry the furniture upstairs to your room. You're gonna love it!"

Chica and I kept Marty and Bonnie busy so they didn't get a look at what was being brought to their rooms. But soon, it was time.

The two of them walked upstairs. Of course they were tired just like the rest of us so naturally they ventured to their new beds.

"Oh what the hell!" Bonnie ran downstairs almost as quickly as he went up.  "My Little Unicorn??? REALLY???"

"We thought it suited you!" I laughed.

" does he know what they are specifically, I wonder. " chica pondered aloud, with her finger to her chin.

"I uh...saw it on a kid's shirt once at the pizzeria." Bonnie replied with shifty eyes.  Chica and I glanced at eachother,  then looked back at Bonnie.  Of course, neither if us believed that.

"Kay!" Chica cheered.  "Let's go see Marty!" She pulled my hand and we ran to Marty's room. He was sitting on his bed, with tears in his eyes.

"Aww Marty,  do you hate it that much?" I asked, beginning to feel bad that we had got him something he didn't like.

"No, actually...I love it." He wiped his eyes and stood to embrace the two of us. "It reminds me of days passed. When I didn't have to worry about..." he trailed off

It was safe to say, Marty was depressed. Of course, I couldn't imagine how hard it was, trying to keep the puppet's reassuring smile after all that's happened.

"The color is uplifting. That's just what I needed. Thank you."

"You're welcome." Chica smiled warmly. The two of us felt bad, because it was supposed to be a prank. On the other hand,  it made me happy to see him so happy.

"Okay guys, get some sleep!" We heard Uncle call from the bottom of the stairs. Though we were older now,  he still felt like a parent to all of us.

"Goodnight!" Chica shouted, though it was the middle of the day, and ran off to her room.

"We have a long night ahead of us huh?" I smiled at Marty.

"We do. I'm glad you are coming with me. "

"I'd do anything to help. Like I told you before, it's because of you that I was able to see everyone again, and find out what happened to them. I'm indebted to you, Marty." I hugged him. "Good night."

On the way to my room I found Freddy and gave him a small kiss before I closed my door and lay down to sleep.

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